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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana: keskustelu


AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 46333
definedConcept Y13677
koodi 46333
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
liittyy 'Sacra Conversazione', Boaz speaks to Ruth; Ruth usually bowing down, or kneeling before him, Christ in a boat with the apostles, talking or sleeping, Christ talking with Nicodemus at night (John 3:1-21), David speaks with Goliath, Elijah and Elisha conversing on their way to the Jordan, Judith, the widow of Manasseh, speaks with the elders Ozias, Chabris and Charmis, Manoah is told by his wife of the angel's appearance, Mary in conversation with her maidens ~ annunciation of Mary's death, Pyramus and Thisbe converse with one another through a chink of the wall that separates their houses, and arrange to meet at the tomb of Ninus, Ruth brings the barley home to Naomi and tells her what has occurred in the fields of Boaz, Ruth brings the grain to Naomi and tells her what has happened, Samson talks with the woman of Timnath, Samuel tells Eli what the Lord has said, St. Antony Abbot and St. Paul the Hermit meeting and talking; a raven flies down with a loaf (sometimes two loaves) in its beak, St. Macarius conversing with a skull about the tortures of the damned, Ulysses and Penelope exchange their news in bed, at the door of Joseph's house his brothers talk with the steward; Simeon is brought to them, at the sight of the ruins of Carthage, C. Marius talks with a lictor about the cruel vicissitudes of fortune, conversation between Mary and Christ ~ the Dormition, conversation of Eli and Hannah, conversation, dialogue; conversation piece, diskurssi, julkinen keskustelu, keskustelut, keskustelutaito, people in church, walking, talking, etc., representations of the content of Christ's discourses after the Last Supper, sayings of Christ: discourse on the last things (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21), the conversation between Judith and Holofernes, the conversation of Ruth and Boaz in the night, the conversion of the young prince Josaphat by the hermit Barlaam, who tells him the parable of the frailty of human happiness, the five spies of the Danites stay at Micah's house and talk with the Levite, verkkojuttelu
nimi conversation, debatt, keskustelu, samtal
on sama kuin Keskustelu
prefLabel conversation, keskustelu, samtal
vastaa keskustelu, keyword174340930988, p14004
yläluokka puheviestintä

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