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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: kello


Refers to instruments that measure and indicate the passage of time, especially by mechanical means producing a regularly recurring action and indicating, usually by hands or changing numbers, the hours and minutes; not designed to be worn or otherwise carried about on a person. For wearable timepieces, see "watches."

Iconclass-tunnus 23 U 24
altLabel ajanottolaitteet, kronometrar, kronometrit, tidtagarapparater, ur
definedConcept Y6836
distinguished from rannekello
documents products used created clock making
id 300041575
kuvaus , Refers to instruments that measure and indicate the passage of time, especially by mechanical means producing a regularly recurring action and indicating, usually by hands or changing numbers, the hours and minutes; not designed to be worn or otherwise carried about on a person. For wearable timepieces, see "watches."
laajempi käsite (instruments for) measurement of time, timepieces by form
liittyy 'sanctus' bell, altar bell; rattle, Alexander in his diving-bell, St. Benedict as solitary in a cave ~ the devil breaks the bell and cuts the rope, St. Benedict is fed by another hermit (Romanus), who lowers bread into his cave by means of a rope to which a bell is tied, ajanmittaus, bell ~ acoustic signalling, bell ~ musical instruments, bell-buoy, whistling-buoy, carillon, chimes, diving-bell, bathysphere, door-knocker, doorbell, erakko Antonius Apotti (Antonius Abbas) Egyptistä, kutsuttu myös nimellä Pyhä Antonius, Antonius Suuri; mahdolliset attribuutit: soittokello, kirja, T-muotoinen matkasauva, liekit, sika, glass bell, glass cover ~ horticulture, kello, kellot, kirkonkellot, ringing doorbells (mischief-making)
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi ajanottolaitteet, clock, clocks, clocks and watches, kello, kellot, klockor
prefLabel clocks and watches, kellot, klockor
suppeampi käsite aurinkokellot, kaappikellot, seinäkellot, watchmaker, clockmaker
users producers clockmakers
vastaa ajanottolaitteet, kello, kellot, not 23U24, p300041575, p3229
yläluokka tekninen objekti

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maalaus (3), taidegrafiikka (1), taideteos (2), tapahtuma (26), valokuva (2), video (12)


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Aika Päivä

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Kielimatka Kiin...

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Kätevät: Kellom...

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