Collections of wood or ivory tablets, or sheets of paper, parchment, or similar material, that are blank, written on, or printed, and are strung or bound together; commonly many folded and bound sheets containing continuous printing or writing; especially, when printed, a bound volume, or a volume of some size.
49 M 32
activity event using producing
equipment used/produced
Collections of wood or ivory tablets, or sheets of paper, parchment, or similar material, that are blank, written on, or printed, and are strung or bound together; commonly many folded and bound sheets containing continuous printing or writing; especially, when printed, a bound volume, or a volume of some size.
laajempi käsite
information artifacts by physical form ,
julkaisut ,
'Etimasia', empty throne with the book of life, prepared for Christ ,
'Pantocrator', Kristus (rintakuvana), tehden puhuvan tai siunaavan eleen ja pidellen kirjaa ,
'haggadah' (the book used in the 'seder') ,
'siddur', Jewish prayer book ,
Alexander has the books of Homer put into a chest ,
Anna, Neitsyt Marian äiti; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, Jeesus-lapsi, lilja, Neitsyt Maria ,
Antoninus Pierozzi, Dominican friar and archbishop of Florence; possible attributes: book, scales ,
Apostoli Tuomas; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, pikari, vyö, sydän, keihäs tai peitsi, kirjakäärö, laskutaulu, kivet ,
Athanasius the Great, bishop of Alexandria; possible attributes: book, heretic under feet, scroll ,
Augustine, bishop of Hippo; possible attributes: arrows piercing his breast, book, child with spoon, flaming heart, heart (pierced with arrows), pen ,
Benedict of Nurcia, abbot of Monte Cassino and founder of the Benedictine Order; possible attributes: aspergillum, book, cup (sometimes broken), raven with loaf, sieve (or tray) ,
Bernardino of Siena, Franciscan friar; possible attributes: book, tablet (disk) with IHS monogram, three mitres at his feet ,
Birgittalaisjärjestön perustaja, leski Birgitta Ruotsista; mahdolliset attribuutit: hunnun päällä kulkeva nauha, jossa viisi punaista pilkkua, kirja, kynttilä, sydän ristin kanssa, musteastia, pyhiinvaeltajan hattu, matkasauva, laukku ,
Bonaventura, cardinal bishop of Albano and Minister General of the Franciscan Order; possible attributes: book, cardinal's hat (sometimes hanging from a tree), crucifix (sometimes flowering) ,
Daniel as prophet with book or scroll ,
Democritus, while meditating amidst books and bones, receives his friend Hippocrates, sent by the inhabitants of Abdera, who were anxious about their philosopher's health ,
Dominic(us) Guzman of Calerueja, founder of the Order of Preachers (or Dominican (Black) Friars; possible attributes: book, dog with flaming torch, lily, loaf of bread, rosary, star ,
Firenzen piispa, Zenobius; mahdolliset attribuutit: heraldinen lilja (fleur-de-lis, Firenzen embleemi) hänen sädekehässään, papinkaavussaan tai kirjassa ,
Francis Borgia, Jesuit priest and duke of Gandia; possible attributes: book, ducal hat, monstrance, skull with crown ,
Hermogenes casts his conjuring-books into the water ,
Hesekiel (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, kaksoispyörä ,
Jeremia (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, 'kiehuva pata' ,
Jesaja (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: puunoksa lehtineen, saha, kirjakäärö tai kirja ,
John Gualberto, the Benedictine monk, founder of the Order of Vallombrosa; possible attributes: book, crucifix, devil (or heretic) under foot, T-shaped staff ,
John the Baptist; possible attributes: book, reed cross, baptismal cup, honeycomb, lamb, staff ,
Luukas evankelista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, (siivekäs) härkä, Neitsyt Marian kuva, kirurgisia instrumentteja, maalarin välineet, kirjakäärö ,
Markus evankelista, ja Aleksandrian piispa; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, (siivekäs) leijona, kynä ja musteastia, kirjakäärö ,
Pyhä Julianus (Julian(us) Hospitator); mahdolliset attribuutit: vene, kirja, koira, metsästyshaukka, airo, uroshirvi, miekka ,
Solomon as prophet with book or scroll ,
St. Ambrose as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study at his writing desk with book, pen and sometimes a dove (divine inspiration) ,
St. Anselm on his throne with pen and book ,
St. Augustine as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study, at his writing-desk, with book, pen and sometimes a dove (divine inspiration) ,
St. Augustine meditating under a fig-tree: he hears a voice 'tolle, lege'; usually a book (the Bible) beside him ,
St. Charles Borromeo weeping over his book; his simple meal remains untouched ,
St. Dominic as a young student sells his books to help the sick ,
St. Dominic receives the commission to preach: St. Peter and St. Paul appear to him in a vision and give him a staff and a book (the gospels) ,
St. Gregory the Great as Doctor of the Latin Church, with book, pen, and dove (divine inspiration) ,
St. Jerome as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study with book, pen and ink; lion and cardinal's hat beside him ,
St. Rosalia as hermit in a cave, with book, skull, and lily ,
St. Theresa at her writing-desk, with book and pen; she may be wearing a doctor's cap and chain; perhaps a dove (divine inspiration) hovers at her ear ,
angel(s) with book(-scroll) or banderole ,
apostoli Andreas; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, X-muotoinen risti, kala, kalastusverkko, köysi, kirjakäärö ,
apostoli Johannes evankelista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, iso pata, pikari ja käärme, kotka, palmu, kirjakäärö ,
apostoli Paavali Tarson kaupungista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kirjakäärö, miekka ,
apostoli Pietari, Rooman ensimmäinen piispa; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kukko, (ylösalaisin oleva) risti, (kolminainen) piispansauva, kala, avain, kirjakäärö, laiva, paavin tiaara ,
apostoli ja evankelista Matteus; mahdolliset attribuutit: enkeli, kirves, kirja, pertuska, kynä ja musteastia, kukkaro, kirjakäärö, laskutaulu, miekka ,
bibliofilia ,
books, treatises, etc. ~ Christian doctrine and religion ,
by order of Jeremiah, Seraiah casts the book with Jeremiah's prophecy of the destruction of Babylon into the Euphrates, after having bound a stone to it (Jeremiah 51:63) ,
children's books ,
codices ,
conjuring book, blackbook, 'grimoire' ,
devil giving blackbook in exchange for the gospels ~ witches' sabbath ,
ecclesiastical books, scrolls, etc. ,
erakko Antonius Apotti (Antonius Abbas) Egyptistä, kutsuttu myös nimellä Pyhä Antonius, Antonius Suuri; mahdolliset attribuutit: soittokello, kirja, T-muotoinen matkasauva, liekit, sika ,
evankelistat, yleensä kirjojen tai kirjakääröjen kanssa (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) ,
founder of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Francis(cus) of Assisi; possible attributes: book, crucifix, lily, skull, stigmata ,
guide-book (~ tourism) ,
history-book, e.g.: chronicle, annal ,
kaksitoista apostolia (ryhmänä), yleensä kirjojen tai kirjakääröjen kanssa (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) ,
katuva portto Maria Magdaleena; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja (tai kirjakäärö), kruunu, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, voiteluastia, peili, soitin (musiikki-instrumentti), palmunoksa, rukousnauha, ruoska ,
kirjalliset teokset ,
kirjansidonta ,
kirjat ,
kirjatuotanto ,
model-books ~ implements of painter ,
munkki ja erakko Hieronymus; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kardinaalin hattu, krusifiksi, tiimalasi, leijona, pääkallo, kivi ,
neitsyt ja dominikaaninen tertiaari, Katariina Sienalainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, risti, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, paholainen jalan alla, sydän (ristin kanssa), lilja, ruton jäljet, sormus, rukousnauha, stigmaation merkit ,
neitsyt ja klarissalais-nunnajärjestön (Fransiskaani-järjestön nunnakunta) perustaja, Klaara Assisilainen (Pyhä Klaara); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, risti, palava lamppu, lilja, ehtoollisleipäastia (eli monstranssi tai ciborium-astia), palmun oksa, paimensauva, rukousnauha ,
neitsytmarttyyri Katariina Aleksandrialainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kruunu, keisari Maxentius, palmun oksa, sormus, miekka, (kidutus)pyörä ,
neitsytmarttyyri Kristiina Bolsenalainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: nuoli (nuolet), kirja, liekit, myllynkivi, pihdit, käärme, pyörä ,
opening of the book of life ,
pasting books (children's games and plays) ,
pope and martyr Callistus (Callixtus) I; possible attributes: book, millstone ,
printed edition of musical score ,
prior general of the Order of the Servites, Philip Benizzi of Florence; possible attributes: book, cross, lily, tiara at his feet ,
profeetat ryhmänä, pidellen yleensä kirjoja tai kirjakääröjä (Jesaja, Jeremias, Hesekiel, Daniel, Hoosea, Jooel, Aamos, Obadja, Joona, Miika, Naahum, Habakuk, Sefanja, Haggai, Sakarja, Malakia) ,
pylväsjärjestelmät ~ arkkitehtuuri ,
reading the Bible or other religious books ,
the 'apostle of Frisia' and archbishop of Utrecht, Willibrord (of Echternach); possible attributes: cask (barrel), well (fountain), child (on a book), model of church, stone bottles ,
the Alsatian royal abbess Odilia of Hohenburg; possible attributes: baptismal font, cock, crown, eyes (on book or dish) ,
the Augustine hermit, Nicholas of Tolentino; possible attributes: book, crucifix, (entwined with lilies), lily, (basket with) loaves, two doves (on a dish or flying away), star (on his breast) ,
the Benedictine abbess Scholastica, sister of Benedict of Nursia; possible attributes: book, crucifix, dove, lily, staff ,
the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig ,
the Benedictine monk Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury; possible attributes: book, pen, ship ,
the Benedictine monk Romuald of Camaldoli (or Ravenna), founder of the Camaldolese Order; possible attributes: book, T-shaped staff ,
the Carmelite friar and mystic John of the Cross; possible attributes: book, chains, cross, crucifix, eagle, lily, pen ,
the Dominican friar Hyacinth(us) of Poland; possible attributes: book, lily, monstrance (or ciborium), statue of the Virgin ,
the Dominican friar Vincent Ferrer of Valencia (or Vannes); possible attributes: book, baptismal font, cardinal's hat at feet, flames, flaming sword, IHS monogram, lily, sun, trumpet of the Last Judgement ,
the Dominican friar and bishop of Ratisbon Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus); possible attributes: book, doctor's cap, pen ,
the Dominican theologian, 'Angelic Doctor' Thomas of Aquino; possible attributes: book, (chain with) sun, dove, girdle of chastity, lily, model of church, monstrance (or chalice), mitre (under feet), star (on breast) ,
the Franciscan monk Antony of Padua; possible attributes: ass, book, crucifix, flowered cross, flaming heart, infant Christ (on book), lily ,
the Franciscan monk Peter of Alcantara; possible attributes: book, crucifix, discipline, dove, pen and ink, skull ,
the Jesuit priest Peter Canisius; possible attributes: book, crucifix, IHS monogram, pen, skull ,
the Praemonstratense friar Herman Joseph of Steinfeld; possible attributes of St. Herman Joseph: book, branch of roses, cup (with roses), infant Christ, key, knife ,
the Virgin Mary, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Catherine of Alexandria appear to a Dominican monk of Soriano; they present him with a full length portrait of St. Dominic holding a lily and a book ,
the abbess Gertrude of Nivelles; possible attributes: book, pastoral staff, crown, cup, demon, mouse or mice, model of church or hospital, palm, (healing) well ,
the apostle Bartholomew; possible attributes: book, devil or dragon at feet, knife, scroll, flayed skin, staff ,
the apostle James the Great; possible attributes: book, pilgrim's cloak, hat, shell, staff, and wallet, scroll, sword ,
the apostle Jude Thaddaeus; possible attributes: book, club, halberd, scroll ,
the apostle Philip; possible attributes: book, cross, dish with snake, lance, scroll, stone, sword ,
Museoalan asiasanasto
related to
notebooks ,
picture books
Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#kirjat
suppeampi käsite
aapiset ,
book in which illustrations are essential ,
harvinaiskirjat ,
keittokirjat ,
koulukirjat ,
kuvakirjat ,
käsikirjat ,
lastenkirjallisuus ,
leikekirjat ,
mallikirja ,
messukirjat ,
muistikirjat ,
muistokirjat ,
ohjekirjat ,
pamphlet ~ printed matter ,
sanakirjat ,
taskukirjat ,
tietosanakirjat ,
kirja ,
kirjat ,
kirjat ,
kirjat ,
kirjat ,
not 49M32 ,
p156 ,