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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, Avainsana, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: kirjat


Collections of wood or ivory tablets, or sheets of paper, parchment, or similar material, that are blank, written on, or printed, and are strung or bound together; commonly many folded and bound sheets containing continuous printing or writing; especially, when printed, a bound volume, or a volume of some size.

Iconclass-tunnus 49 M 32
activity event using producing bookselling
definedConcept Y2116
equipment used/produced bookmarks
id 300028051
kuvaus , Collections of wood or ivory tablets, or sheets of paper, parchment, or similar material, that are blank, written on, or printed, and are strung or bound together; commonly many folded and bound sheets containing continuous printing or writing; especially, when printed, a bound volume, or a volume of some size.
laajempi käsite information artifacts by physical form, julkaisut, painotuotteet
liittyy 'Etimasia', empty throne with the book of life, prepared for Christ, 'Pantocrator', Kristus (rintakuvana), tehden puhuvan tai siunaavan eleen ja pidellen kirjaa, 'haggadah' (the book used in the 'seder'), 'siddur', Jewish prayer book, Alexander has the books of Homer put into a chest, Anna, Neitsyt Marian äiti; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, Jeesus-lapsi, lilja, Neitsyt Maria, Antoninus Pierozzi, Dominican friar and archbishop of Florence; possible attributes: book, scales, Apostoli Tuomas; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, pikari, vyö, sydän, keihäs tai peitsi, kirjakäärö, laskutaulu, kivet, Athanasius the Great, bishop of Alexandria; possible attributes: book, heretic under feet, scroll, Augustine, bishop of Hippo; possible attributes: arrows piercing his breast, book, child with spoon, flaming heart, heart (pierced with arrows), pen, Benedict of Nurcia, abbot of Monte Cassino and founder of the Benedictine Order; possible attributes: aspergillum, book, cup (sometimes broken), raven with loaf, sieve (or tray), Bernardino of Siena, Franciscan friar; possible attributes: book, tablet (disk) with IHS monogram, three mitres at his feet, Birgittalaisjärjestön perustaja, leski Birgitta Ruotsista; mahdolliset attribuutit: hunnun päällä kulkeva nauha, jossa viisi punaista pilkkua, kirja, kynttilä, sydän ristin kanssa, musteastia, pyhiinvaeltajan hattu, matkasauva, laukku, Bonaventura, cardinal bishop of Albano and Minister General of the Franciscan Order; possible attributes: book, cardinal's hat (sometimes hanging from a tree), crucifix (sometimes flowering), Daniel as prophet with book or scroll, Democritus, while meditating amidst books and bones, receives his friend Hippocrates, sent by the inhabitants of Abdera, who were anxious about their philosopher's health, Dominic(us) Guzman of Calerueja, founder of the Order of Preachers (or Dominican (Black) Friars; possible attributes: book, dog with flaming torch, lily, loaf of bread, rosary, star, Firenzen piispa, Zenobius; mahdolliset attribuutit: heraldinen lilja (fleur-de-lis, Firenzen embleemi) hänen sädekehässään, papinkaavussaan tai kirjassa, Francis Borgia, Jesuit priest and duke of Gandia; possible attributes: book, ducal hat, monstrance, skull with crown, Hermogenes casts his conjuring-books into the water, Hesekiel (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, kaksoispyörä, Jeremia (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, 'kiehuva pata', Jesaja (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: puunoksa lehtineen, saha, kirjakäärö tai kirja, John Gualberto, the Benedictine monk, founder of the Order of Vallombrosa; possible attributes: book, crucifix, devil (or heretic) under foot, T-shaped staff, John the Baptist; possible attributes: book, reed cross, baptismal cup, honeycomb, lamb, staff, Luukas evankelista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, (siivekäs) härkä, Neitsyt Marian kuva, kirurgisia instrumentteja, maalarin välineet, kirjakäärö, Markus evankelista, ja Aleksandrian piispa; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, (siivekäs) leijona, kynä ja musteastia, kirjakäärö, Pyhä Julianus (Julian(us) Hospitator); mahdolliset attribuutit: vene, kirja, koira, metsästyshaukka, airo, uroshirvi, miekka, Solomon as prophet with book or scroll, St. Ambrose as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study at his writing desk with book, pen and sometimes a dove (divine inspiration), St. Anselm on his throne with pen and book, St. Augustine as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study, at his writing-desk, with book, pen and sometimes a dove (divine inspiration), St. Augustine meditating under a fig-tree: he hears a voice 'tolle, lege'; usually a book (the Bible) beside him, St. Charles Borromeo weeping over his book; his simple meal remains untouched, St. Dominic as a young student sells his books to help the sick, St. Dominic receives the commission to preach: St. Peter and St. Paul appear to him in a vision and give him a staff and a book (the gospels), St. Gregory the Great as Doctor of the Latin Church, with book, pen, and dove (divine inspiration), St. Jerome as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study with book, pen and ink; lion and cardinal's hat beside him, St. Rosalia as hermit in a cave, with book, skull, and lily, St. Theresa at her writing-desk, with book and pen; she may be wearing a doctor's cap and chain; perhaps a dove (divine inspiration) hovers at her ear, angel(s) with book(-scroll) or banderole, apostoli Andreas; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, X-muotoinen risti, kala, kalastusverkko, köysi, kirjakäärö, apostoli Johannes evankelista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, iso pata, pikari ja käärme, kotka, palmu, kirjakäärö, apostoli Paavali Tarson kaupungista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kirjakäärö, miekka, apostoli Pietari, Rooman ensimmäinen piispa; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kukko, (ylösalaisin oleva) risti, (kolminainen) piispansauva, kala, avain, kirjakäärö, laiva, paavin tiaara, apostoli ja evankelista Matteus; mahdolliset attribuutit: enkeli, kirves, kirja, pertuska, kynä ja musteastia, kukkaro, kirjakäärö, laskutaulu, miekka, bibliofilia, books, treatises, etc. ~ Christian doctrine and religion, by order of Jeremiah, Seraiah casts the book with Jeremiah's prophecy of the destruction of Babylon into the Euphrates, after having bound a stone to it (Jeremiah 51:63), children's books, codices, conjuring book, blackbook, 'grimoire', devil giving blackbook in exchange for the gospels ~ witches' sabbath, ecclesiastical books, scrolls, etc., erakko Antonius Apotti (Antonius Abbas) Egyptistä, kutsuttu myös nimellä Pyhä Antonius, Antonius Suuri; mahdolliset attribuutit: soittokello, kirja, T-muotoinen matkasauva, liekit, sika, evankelistat, yleensä kirjojen tai kirjakääröjen kanssa (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä), founder of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Francis(cus) of Assisi; possible attributes: book, crucifix, lily, skull, stigmata, guide-book (~ tourism), history-book, e.g.: chronicle, annal, kaksitoista apostolia (ryhmänä), yleensä kirjojen tai kirjakääröjen kanssa (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä), katuva portto Maria Magdaleena; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja (tai kirjakäärö), kruunu, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, voiteluastia, peili, soitin (musiikki-instrumentti), palmunoksa, rukousnauha, ruoska, kirjalliset teokset, kirjansidonta, kirjat, kirjatuotanto, model-books ~ implements of painter, munkki ja erakko Hieronymus; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kardinaalin hattu, krusifiksi, tiimalasi, leijona, pääkallo, kivi, neitsyt ja dominikaaninen tertiaari, Katariina Sienalainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, risti, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, paholainen jalan alla, sydän (ristin kanssa), lilja, ruton jäljet, sormus, rukousnauha, stigmaation merkit, neitsyt ja klarissalais-nunnajärjestön (Fransiskaani-järjestön nunnakunta) perustaja, Klaara Assisilainen (Pyhä Klaara); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, risti, palava lamppu, lilja, ehtoollisleipäastia (eli monstranssi tai ciborium-astia), palmun oksa, paimensauva, rukousnauha, neitsytmarttyyri Katariina Aleksandrialainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kruunu, keisari Maxentius, palmun oksa, sormus, miekka, (kidutus)pyörä, neitsytmarttyyri Kristiina Bolsenalainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: nuoli (nuolet), kirja, liekit, myllynkivi, pihdit, käärme, pyörä, opening of the book of life, pasting books (children's games and plays), pope and martyr Callistus (Callixtus) I; possible attributes: book, millstone, printed edition of musical score, prior general of the Order of the Servites, Philip Benizzi of Florence; possible attributes: book, cross, lily, tiara at his feet, profeetat ryhmänä, pidellen yleensä kirjoja tai kirjakääröjä (Jesaja, Jeremias, Hesekiel, Daniel, Hoosea, Jooel, Aamos, Obadja, Joona, Miika, Naahum, Habakuk, Sefanja, Haggai, Sakarja, Malakia), pylväsjärjestelmät ~ arkkitehtuuri, reading the Bible or other religious books, the 'apostle of Frisia' and archbishop of Utrecht, Willibrord (of Echternach); possible attributes: cask (barrel), well (fountain), child (on a book), model of church, stone bottles, the Alsatian royal abbess Odilia of Hohenburg; possible attributes: baptismal font, cock, crown, eyes (on book or dish), the Augustine hermit, Nicholas of Tolentino; possible attributes: book, crucifix, (entwined with lilies), lily, (basket with) loaves, two doves (on a dish or flying away), star (on his breast), the Benedictine abbess Scholastica, sister of Benedict of Nursia; possible attributes: book, crucifix, dove, lily, staff, the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig, the Benedictine monk Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury; possible attributes: book, pen, ship, the Benedictine monk Romuald of Camaldoli (or Ravenna), founder of the Camaldolese Order; possible attributes: book, T-shaped staff, the Carmelite friar and mystic John of the Cross; possible attributes: book, chains, cross, crucifix, eagle, lily, pen, the Dominican friar Hyacinth(us) of Poland; possible attributes: book, lily, monstrance (or ciborium), statue of the Virgin, the Dominican friar Vincent Ferrer of Valencia (or Vannes); possible attributes: book, baptismal font, cardinal's hat at feet, flames, flaming sword, IHS monogram, lily, sun, trumpet of the Last Judgement, the Dominican friar and bishop of Ratisbon Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus); possible attributes: book, doctor's cap, pen, the Dominican theologian, 'Angelic Doctor' Thomas of Aquino; possible attributes: book, (chain with) sun, dove, girdle of chastity, lily, model of church, monstrance (or chalice), mitre (under feet), star (on breast), the Franciscan monk Antony of Padua; possible attributes: ass, book, crucifix, flowered cross, flaming heart, infant Christ (on book), lily, the Franciscan monk Peter of Alcantara; possible attributes: book, crucifix, discipline, dove, pen and ink, skull, the Jesuit priest Peter Canisius; possible attributes: book, crucifix, IHS monogram, pen, skull, the Praemonstratense friar Herman Joseph of Steinfeld; possible attributes of St. Herman Joseph: book, branch of roses, cup (with roses), infant Christ, key, knife, the Virgin Mary, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Catherine of Alexandria appear to a Dominican monk of Soriano; they present him with a full length portrait of St. Dominic holding a lily and a book, the abbess Gertrude of Nivelles; possible attributes: book, pastoral staff, crown, cup, demon, mouse or mice, model of church or hospital, palm, (healing) well, the apostle Bartholomew; possible attributes: book, devil or dragon at feet, knife, scroll, flayed skin, staff, the apostle James the Great; possible attributes: book, pilgrim's cloak, hat, shell, staff, and wallet, scroll, sword, the apostle Jude Thaddaeus; possible attributes: book, club, halberd, scroll, the apostle Philip; possible attributes: book, cross, dish with snake, lance, scroll, stone, sword, ...
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi book, books, böcker, kirja, kirjat
prefLabel books, böcker, kirjat
related to notebooks, picture books
source Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#kirjat
suppeampi käsite aapiset, book in which illustrations are essential, harvinaiskirjat, keittokirjat, koulukirjat, kuvakirjat, käsikirjat, lastenkirjallisuus, leikekirjat, mallikirja, messukirjat, muistikirjat, muistokirjat, ohjekirjat, pamphlet ~ printed matter, sanakirjat, taskukirjat, tietosanakirjat, vieraskirjat
vastaa kirja, kirjat, kirjat, kirjat, kirjat, not 49M32, p156, p300028051
yläluokka julkaisut

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