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liittyy 'lulav', bunch of twigs of four different species of plants ~ 'Sukkot', (8) Herkules pyydystää kuningas Diomedeen neljä ihmisiä syövää hevosta (tammaa); kun Diomedes on surmattu seuranneessa taistelussa hänen ruumiinsa heitetään hevosille syötäväksi, (four) characteristics of the True Church, David as musician surrounded by the four seasons, the four elements and the four temperaments ~ Harmony of the Universe, David as psalmist with his four musicians, David's four musicians, Diomedeen neljä ihmisiä syövää hevosta (tammaa), Ezekiel's vision of God sitting on his throne carried by four tetramorphs, each of them having four wings; wheels within wheels beside them, God on his throne, surrounded by the twenty-four elders (wearing crowns and playing harps) and the four Beasts, Ilmestyskirjan neljä ratsastajaa, Israelites (usually four) are brought before the prince of eunuchs because King Nebuchadnezzar wants to have them educated in the palace (Daniel 1), Quaternity (i.e. Trinity with Mary), Zeuxis makes a picture of Helen for the temple of Juno and uses five (four or six) girls as models, death of Thomas: he is brought out of the city by four soldiers, who kill him with their lances, evankelistojen neljä symbolia, 'apokalyptiset eläimet', four carpenters (or blacksmiths) (Zechariah 1:20-21), four chariots (with red, black, white, grisled and bay horses respectively) coming out from between two mountains of brass (Zechariah 6:1-8), four generations (family group), four great beasts rising from the sea ~ Daniel's visions, four horns (Zechariah 1:18-19), four leprous men, who are stationed at the city gate, decide to go to the Syrian camp, four persons or more ~ traffic and transport, group of four Archangels, group of the following saints ('Virgines Capitales') together: Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret; later also Dorothea, human life divided into stages, e.g. three, four, seven, twelve stages (with NUMBER), maailman neljä aikakautta (kulta-aika, hopea-aika, pronssiaika, rauta-aika); 'Età dell'oro, argento, bronzo, et ferro' (Ripa), neljä elementtiä (maa, ilma, tuli, vesi) ja eetteri, viides elementti, neljä evankelistaa yhdessä (kirjoittaja-muotokuvat), neljä figuuria, neljä pääilmansuuntaa, neljä suurta profeettaa (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä): Jesaja, Jeremias, Hesekiel, Daniel, neljä temperamenttia; 'Complessione' (Ripa), neljä vuodenaikaa, numerals: 4, paratiisin neljä jokea (virraten lähteestä), quadrivium (personification of Arithmetica, Geometria, Astronomia, and Musica), story of Enoch, son of Jared, who invented letters and was the first to divide the year into seasons and into twelve months, the Four Cardinal Virtues, the Four Crowned Martyrs, soldiers, sculptors, stonemasons, the 'quattuor coronati'; possible attributes: crown, sculptor's tools, e.g. chisel, compasses, hammer, square, the Four Faculties (personifications), the Four Last Things, the Tetramorph: human figure with four or six wings, the four Greek (Eastern) Fathers of the Church together: Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, John Chrysostom and Athanasius the Great, the four Latin (Western) Fathers of the Church together: Ambrose (usually as bishop), Jerome (usually as cardinal), Augustine (usually as bishop), Gregory the Great (usually as pope), the four evangelists ~ other themes, the four main directions of the wind, the four seasons of the year ~ human activities, the four seasons of the year ~ landscapes, the four seasons of the year ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes), the four seasons of the year ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits, the four winds are restrained by four angels, the four world empires (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome), the leopard with four bird's wings and four heads ~ Daniel's visions, the sixth of the seven angels sounds the trumpet: the four angels of destruction are released, the three (sometimes four) Maries together; possible attributes: jar of ointment, the virgin martyr Godeleva of Ghistelles; possible attributes: four crowns, shawl or rope (round her neck or in her hands), the world empires symbolized by four beasts (Daniel ch. 7), to his astonishment King Nebuchadnezzar sees four men (one of them usually represented as an angel) in the furnace; the king commands them to come forth
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