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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: autotallit


Use for buildings or parts of buildings where motor vehicles are parked or housed, usually temporarily; for buildings that sell gasoline, lubricating oils, and other merchandise for motor vehicles, use "service stations."

Iconclass-tunnus 41 A 52 1
definedConcept Y6869
id 300007806
kuvaus , Use for buildings or parts of buildings where motor vehicles are parked or housed, usually temporarily; for buildings that sell gasoline, lubricating oils, and other merchandise for motor vehicles, use "service stations."
laajempi käsite coach-house, vehicle storage buildings
liittyy autokatokset, autotallit, parking garage, parking building, multistorey car park, repair shop, garage for repairs, supplies etc.
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi autotalli, autotallit, garage, garages
on sama kuin not 41A521, p300007806
prefLabel autotallit, garage
related to service stations
vastaa autotalli, autotallit, p6113
yläluokka suojat

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