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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: pelko


The state of alarm and urgency; apprehension toward a potentially harmful experience.

AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 46697
definedConcept Y17304
id 300055160
koodi 46697
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus The state of alarm and urgency; apprehension toward a potentially harmful experience.
laajempi käsite emotion
liittyy 'Timor Domini', Holy Fear ~ one of the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost, Christ, usually holding a banner, arises from the grave; often combined with sleeping and/or frightened soldiers, Daniel sees a man clothed in linen appear on the river; his companions do not see the vision, but feel the earth quaking and flee in terror, Ish-bosheth, Saul's successor, is told of Abner's death and fears for his own life, Jacob prays to God to save him from Esau, Joseph's brothers fear the possible vengeance of Joseph and beg his forgiveness, Lot, seeing the destruction of the cities and fearing for his safety in Zoar, flees with his daughters to a cave in the mountains, Pallor and Pavor (Deimus and Phobus), Pan terrifying people, so-called panic fear, Pelko; 'Paura', 'Timidità o Timore', 'Timore' (Ripa), St. Christopher is brought before the king, who flees in terror from his throne, St. Christopher serving a king who is afraid of Satan, St. Christopher serving the devil, who is scared of the cross, a large fish appears while Tobias is washing his feet; he is frightened, after his calling by the angel of the Lord Gideon fears and is reassured, ahdistus, death struggle, inquiet death; fear of death, during Belshazzar's banquet a hand appears and writes on the wall (MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN (UPHARSIN)); King Belshazzar is frightened, fearing for his life Abraham says of his wife 'she is my sister'; Abimelech has Sarah brought to him, hätä, kauhu, pelko, levottomuus, huoli, epäily, epäluulo, pelot, pelästyminen, säikähdys, pelästyneet ja/tai nukkuvat sotilaat Kristuksen haudalla, pregnant woman taking a fright, so-called maternal impression (Dutch: 'verzien'), reign of terror, the Israelites are terrified and return to their own country, the people of Gibeon, fearing Joshua and his men, decide to deceive them: they load their donkeys with worn-out sacks, they put on ragged clothes and old sandals and take decaying food, the terrified sailors, after praying to their gods, throw the cargo overboard ~ story of Jonah, to select an army for a raid against the Midianites Gideon sends away the fearful and brings the remaining ten thousand men to the water, turvattomuus, when Saul sees the army of the Philistines, he is afraid
nimi fear, pelko, rädsla
on sama kuin Pelko
prefLabel fear, pelko, rädsla
vastaa keyword174340360861, p10848, p300055160, pelko
yläluokka tunteet

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