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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, Iconclass-avainkäsite, actorConcept, AAT-käsite: naiset


Refers to female human beings from young adulthood through old age.

AAT-näkymä Henkilö, toimijat
Iconclass-tunnus 32 B(+52)
Kaunokki-tunnus 44645
agcx women
cc C60 elintarviketieteet, C70 kotitalous
definedConcept Y3527
fte women
id 300025943
koodi 44645
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Refers to female human beings from young adulthood through old age.
laajempi käsite people by gender, sex and age
liittyy 'every one who looks at a woman lustfully ...' ~ doctrine of Christ on adultery (Matthew 5:28), (alaston) ihmisfiguuri; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa), (story of) the Cimbrian women, (story of) the Roman women, (story of) the woman of Sestos, (story of) the women of Sparta, Abimelech is struck on the head by a millstone thrown by a woman, Amos addresses the women ('cows') of Bashan (Amos 4:1-3), Andrew as a pilgrim saving a bishop who is tempted by a devil in the guise of a beautiful woman, Christ as woman, Christ bewailed by women of Jerusalem; sometimes he consoles them, David and the woman of Tekoah, David's triumph: the women of Israel come out to welcome David, singing, dancing, and playing tambourines and lyres; David holding the head of Goliath, Elisha and the Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4:8-37, 8:1-6), Ezekiel condemning the women that sew pillows to all armholes, God shows Ezekiel the idolatry of the elders and the women of Judah, Hecuba and the Trojan women pray in Minerva's temple, Hercules, disguised in women's clothes, marries Chalciope on Cos, Hercules, in female garment, kicks Pan from Omphale's bed, Ino persuades the women of Boeotia to parch the seed-corn, so that no corn will sprout, Iris, in the guise of Beroe, an old woman, incites the Trojan women to rebellion; they set the ships on fire, John drinks from the poisoned chalice, given to him by the priest of Diana of Ephesus; John resuscitates two women who had already died from the poison, King Solomon on horseback stabs a female devil to death, Kristus opettaa naisia ja lapsia, Maecenas recommends the Arts, symbolized by women, to the protection of Augustus, Moses orders the death of the mature Midianite women and their male children after the victory of the Israelites over the Midianites, Niobe tries to dissuade the Theban women from worshipping Latona, boasting of her own superiority, Pharisees bring a woman accused of adultery before Christ (John 8:2-11), Propoetides changed into stones: driven to prostitution by the wrath of Venus, whose divinity they denied, the Propoetides, women of Amathus, are changed into stones for their impudence (Ovid, Metamorphoses X 238), Publius Clodius (Claudius) Pulcher, dressed as a woman, introduces himself into the house of Julius Caesar during an annual ceremony of Bona Dea, and is discovered, Pyhän Antoniuksen eroottiset näyt: (alastomat) naiset viettelevät häntä, mutta hän ajaa ne pois rukoilemalla, tai näyttämällä heille krusifiksia, Queen Vashti (Astin) gives a banquet for the women ~ story of Esther, Sabiinittaret (Sabiinitarten taru), St. Benedict throws himself naked into a thorn-bush to overcome temptations of the flesh (by naked women), St. Blaise makes a wolf bring back a poor woman's only pig, St. Nicholas appears to pilgrims who had received a flask of oil from the devil (or Diana) disguised as a pious woman; they pour the oil into the sea whereupon it bursts into flames, Theban woman changed into stones: Juno changes the Theban women who are grieving for the loss of Ino into stones (Ovid, Metamorphoses IV 561), Theban women changed into birds: when grieving for the loss of Ino, the Theban women are changed into birds by Juno (Ovid, Metamorphoses IV 561), Thomas appears to women followers, Thomas raises a woman killed by her lover, Thracian women changed into oak-trees: for murdering Orpheus, the Thracian (Ciconian) women are changed into oak-trees by Bacchus (Ovid, Metamorphoses XI 70), Tiresias, striking two coupling serpents with his staff, is changed into a woman, Zerubbabel, the third guardsman, says (writes) that women are strongest ~ contest of the three guardsmen, a woman playing the flute recognizes in Thomas a fellow-countryman, abstract concept represented by female figure, after his beheading a woman catches the blood of St. Januarius in a sponge or phial, aikuinen nainen, all the Midianite men, including their five kings and Balaam, are killed; the women, children and animals are captured, and the cities are burnt, anonymous historical person portrayed, death of Pyrrhus: when he marches with his army into Argos a battle ensues in which Pyrrhus is killed by a woman, who throws a stone from the top of a house, devil as a woman, fallen woman, fashionable woman, 'belle', female (human being) (not to be used where -AA- is prescribed), female angels, female animal, female animal, female animal, female animal, female animal, female animal, female persons from the Old Testament (not in biblical context), group of women (folk dancing), hand touching beard (swearing an oath), historialliset henkilöt, klassiseen historiaan liittyvät naispuoliset henkilöt (NIMEN kanssa), kuolema, lapsivuode, syntymä, man and woman playing chess, woman wins, miehet, naisen sukupuolielimet, naiset, naiset ~ käsityö ja teollisuus, naispuolinen balettitanssija, naispuolinen laulaja, naispuoliset kirjalliset henkilöhahmot (NIMEN kanssa), naispuoliset pyhimykset, naispuoliset pyhimykset (NIMEN kanssa), naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset (taru)eläimiksi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset kasveiksi ja kukiksi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset kiviksi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset linnuiksi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset nisäkkäiksi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset puiksi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset tähdiksi ja tähtikuvioiksi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset vedeksi, ilmaksi tai muiksi elementeiksi, naissukupuoli; nainen, near a river Paul and Silas preach to the women of Philippi, nimekkäät, kuuluisat tai kunnioitetut miehet, sankarit, 'homines illustres', 'uomini famosi', opera-singer (female), ordealing an adulterous woman (Jewish law), pernicious influence of women, 'femmes fatales', political enfranchisement of women, women's liberation, samarialainen nainen (Joh. 4:4-42), sexual organs of a female animal, sexual organs of a female animal, sexual organs of a female animal, sexual organs of a female animal, sexual organs of a female animal, single woman, spinster, sterility; barren woman, ...
nimi kvinnor, nainen, naiset, women
on sama kuin Naiset, nainen, p300025943
prefLabel kvinnor, naiset, women
related to female
vastaa key 32B 52, keyword174340895910, nainen, naiset, naiset, naiset, p16991
yläluokka henkilö, sukupuoleen_liittyvä_rooli

Liittyy kohteisiin

aikuiset (77), artikkelit (14), elämäkerta (9), henkilö (394), kalevalan toimija (1), kirjallinen teos (828), lapset (kooste) (132), laulajat (2), maalaus (126), miehet (26), naiset (153), piirustus (10), postikortti (2), runo (1), ruumis (79), taidegrafiikka (12), taideteos (1), tapahtuma (10), Teema (2), valokuva (9), veistos (11), video (32)

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen

aikuinen nainen
kohteet aakkosjärjestyksessä (77)

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