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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: astiat


Containers designed to serve as receptacles for a liquid or other substance, usually those of circular section and made of some durable material; especially containers of this nature in domestic use, employed in connection with the preparation or serving of food or drink, and usually of a size suitable for carrying by hand.

Receptacles or formed or flexible coverings designed to hold, store, or ship objects or substances.

Iconclass-tunnus 41 A 77
cc C70 kotitalous
definedConcept Y6786
fte containers, dishes, vessels
id 300193015, 300197197
kuvaus , Containers designed to serve as receptacles for a liquid or other substance, usually those of circular section and made of some durable material; especially containers of this nature in domestic use, employed in connection with the preparation or serving of food or drink, and usually of a size suitable for carrying by hand., Receptacles or formed or flexible coverings designed to hold, store, or ship objects or substances.
laajempi käsite Containers, containers by form, huonekalut ja taloustavarat, taloustarvikkeet
liittyy Aaron (not in biblical context); possible attributes: attributes of Aaron: censer, dressed as high priest or bishop, ointment jar, rod or flowering wand, Aaron fills a jar with manna to be kept in the tabernacle, Belshazzar's great feast, during which he and his courtiers desecrate the golden and silver vessels that were taken from the temple in Jerusalem, Christ orders (six) jars to be filled with water ~ marriage-feast at Cana, Danaidit kaatamassa vettä reikäiseen astiaan, David receives beds, vessels, food and other presents from Shobi, Machir, and Barzillai, Elisha sends one of the sons of the prophets to Ramoth with a jar of oil to anoint Jehu, Mary Kleophas, sister of the Virgin Mary, mother of James the Less ('Maria Jacobi'); possible attributes: jar of ointment, Mary Salome, sister of the Virgin and mother of James the Great and John the Evangelist, also one of the midwives; possible attributes: jar of ointment, Pandora avaa lippaansa (tai astian); Hyvä ja Paha karkaavat, Toivo jää, Pandoran attribuutit (NIMEN kanssa), Tomyris orders the head of the fallen Cyrus to be cut off and dipped into a vessel of human blood, i.e. the vengeance of Tomyris, an angel wakes Elijah; a loaf of bread and a jar of water are usually at Elijah's head, astiat, cubic measure, measure of capacity, death of Glaucus: the son of Minos falls into a honey-jar and is drowned, dustbin, garbage pail, foodstuffs in glass bottle or jar, bottled, foodstuffs in other container, e.g.: barrel, can, cask, tin, etc., jar, jug (used as drinking-vessel), juoma-astiat, katuva portto Maria Magdaleena; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja (tai kirjakäärö), kruunu, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, voiteluastia, peili, soitin (musiikki-instrumentti), palmunoksa, rukousnauha, ruoska, keittiövälineet, keramiikka- ja posliiniastiat: ruukku, kannu, tuoppi, vaasi jne., lasiastiat: pullo, juomalasi, tuoppi, ruukku, vaasi jne., laver and pitcher, vessels for washing the hands of the priests, nukenastiat, ointment-jar, perfume bottle, säilyttimet, the Aloeids capture Mars and hold him prisoner in a bronze vessel, the charity of St. Laurence: he distributes the treasures of the church (gold and silver dishes and cups, vessels) to the poor; he holds a bag of money, the citizens of Antwerp bring back to St. Norbert the monstrance and other sacred vessels that they had hidden from Tankelin, the eagle of Jupiter fetches water from the Styx with Psyche's jar, the harlot and martyr Afra of Augsburg; possible attributes: dead tree, jar of ointment, stake, woodstack, the jar with the 'omer' of manna, the miracle of the barrel of meal and the jar of oil: to reward the woman's charity Elijah has her store of meal and oil renewed as long as the famine prevails, the prophet Obadiah (not in biblical context); possible attributes: book or scroll, bread and jar, prophets at his feet (because of the erroneous identification with his namesake, Ahab's governor, who hid and fed a hundred prophets), the three (sometimes four) Maries together; possible attributes: jar of ointment, the water of Jericho is purified: when the citizens of Jericho complain about their water, Elisha puts some salt into a jar; he then throws the salt into the water (2 Kings 2:19-22), the widow's oil: the little oil a woman has in store increases so that she and her son are able to fill many borrowed jars with it (2 Kings 4:1-7), tobacco-jar, vessels and utensils used in the church
lisätiedot Astioiden nimiä voi käyttää asiasanoina, esim. kattilat, lautaset, Sanasto sisältää joidenkin astiaryhmien nimiä; myöskaikkia astioiden nimiä voi käyttää asiasanoina. Erimateriaaleista valmistetut astia indeksoidaan esim. astiat: puu.
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi astia, astiat, containers, kärl, vessels
osa kokonaisuutta astiastot
prefLabel astiat, kärl, vessels
related to case furniture, coverings and hangings for containers, kyathoi, parfleches, spoon warmers
suppeampi käsite astiat : keramiikka, astiat : puu, astiat : savi, container of leather: leather bag, container of metal: bucket, can, canister, drum, tin, container of paper, cardboard: bag, carton, container of stone: stone vase, container of synthetic material, container of textile material: bag, sack, hinkit, jalalliset astiat, juoma-astiat, kaatimet, keramiikka- ja posliiniastiat: ruukku, kannu, tuoppi, vaasi jne., kertakäyttöastiat, kimpiastiat, korit, kulhot, lasiastiat: pullo, juomalasi, tuoppi, ruukku, vaasi jne., leikkiastiat, maljakot, maljat, mausteastiat, mitta-astiat, nukenastiat, paljut, pesuastia, puuastiat, puuastiat: puutynnyri, pystöt, pöytyrit, ruoanvalmistusastiat, ruokailuastiat, ruokinta-astiat, ruukut, sanko, säilytysastiat, tiinut, tina-astiat, tonkat, tuoksuastiat, vadit, vesiastiat, yöastia
vastaa astia, astiat, astiat, astiat, not 41A77, p300193015, p300197197, p6290
yläluokka taloustarvikkeet

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