Containers designed to serve as receptacles for a liquid or other substance, usually those of circular section and made of some durable material; especially containers of this nature in domestic use, employed in connection with the preparation or serving of food or drink, and usually of a size suitable for carrying by hand.
Receptacles or formed or flexible coverings designed to hold, store, or ship objects or substances.
41 A 77
C70 kotitalous
Containers designed to serve as receptacles for a liquid or other substance, usually those of circular section and made of some durable material; especially containers of this nature in domestic use, employed in connection with the preparation or serving of food or drink, and usually of a size suitable for carrying by hand.,
Receptacles or formed or flexible coverings designed to hold, store, or ship objects or substances.
laajempi käsite
Containers ,
containers by form ,
huonekalut ja taloustavarat ,
Aaron (not in biblical context); possible attributes: attributes of Aaron: censer, dressed as high priest or bishop, ointment jar, rod or flowering wand ,
Aaron fills a jar with manna to be kept in the tabernacle ,
Belshazzar's great feast, during which he and his courtiers desecrate the golden and silver vessels that were taken from the temple in Jerusalem ,
Christ orders (six) jars to be filled with water ~ marriage-feast at Cana ,
Danaidit kaatamassa vettä reikäiseen astiaan ,
David receives beds, vessels, food and other presents from Shobi, Machir, and Barzillai ,
Elisha sends one of the sons of the prophets to Ramoth with a jar of oil to anoint Jehu ,
Mary Kleophas, sister of the Virgin Mary, mother of James the Less ('Maria Jacobi'); possible attributes: jar of ointment ,
Mary Salome, sister of the Virgin and mother of James the Great and John the Evangelist, also one of the midwives; possible attributes: jar of ointment ,
Pandora avaa lippaansa (tai astian); Hyvä ja Paha karkaavat, Toivo jää ,
Pandoran attribuutit (NIMEN kanssa) ,
Tomyris orders the head of the fallen Cyrus to be cut off and dipped into a vessel of human blood, i.e. the vengeance of Tomyris ,
an angel wakes Elijah; a loaf of bread and a jar of water are usually at Elijah's head ,
astiat ,
cubic measure, measure of capacity ,
death of Glaucus: the son of Minos falls into a honey-jar and is drowned ,
dustbin, garbage pail ,
foodstuffs in glass bottle or jar, bottled ,
foodstuffs in other container, e.g.: barrel, can, cask, tin, etc. ,
jar, jug (used as drinking-vessel) ,
juoma-astiat ,
katuva portto Maria Magdaleena; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja (tai kirjakäärö), kruunu, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, voiteluastia, peili, soitin (musiikki-instrumentti), palmunoksa, rukousnauha, ruoska ,
keittiövälineet ,
keramiikka- ja posliiniastiat: ruukku, kannu, tuoppi, vaasi jne. ,
lasiastiat: pullo, juomalasi, tuoppi, ruukku, vaasi jne. ,
laver and pitcher, vessels for washing the hands of the priests ,
nukenastiat ,
ointment-jar ,
perfume bottle ,
säilyttimet ,
the Aloeids capture Mars and hold him prisoner in a bronze vessel ,
the charity of St. Laurence: he distributes the treasures of the church (gold and silver dishes and cups, vessels) to the poor; he holds a bag of money ,
the citizens of Antwerp bring back to St. Norbert the monstrance and other sacred vessels that they had hidden from Tankelin ,
the eagle of Jupiter fetches water from the Styx with Psyche's jar ,
the harlot and martyr Afra of Augsburg; possible attributes: dead tree, jar of ointment, stake, woodstack ,
the jar with the 'omer' of manna ,
the miracle of the barrel of meal and the jar of oil: to reward the woman's charity Elijah has her store of meal and oil renewed as long as the famine prevails ,
the prophet Obadiah (not in biblical context); possible attributes: book or scroll, bread and jar, prophets at his feet (because of the erroneous identification with his namesake, Ahab's governor, who hid and fed a hundred prophets) ,
the three (sometimes four) Maries together; possible attributes: jar of ointment ,
the water of Jericho is purified: when the citizens of Jericho complain about their water, Elisha puts some salt into a jar; he then throws the salt into the water (2 Kings 2:19-22) ,
the widow's oil: the little oil a woman has in store increases so that she and her son are able to fill many borrowed jars with it (2 Kings 4:1-7) ,
tobacco-jar ,
vessels and utensils used in the church
Astioiden nimiä voi käyttää asiasanoina, esim. kattilat, lautaset,
Sanasto sisältää joidenkin astiaryhmien nimiä; myöskaikkia astioiden nimiä voi käyttää asiasanoina. Erimateriaaleista valmistetut astia indeksoidaan esim. astiat: puu.
Museoalan asiasanasto
osa kokonaisuutta
related to
case furniture ,
coverings and hangings for containers ,
kyathoi ,
parfleches ,
spoon warmers
suppeampi käsite
astiat : keramiikka ,
astiat : puu ,
astiat : savi ,
container of leather: leather bag ,
container of metal: bucket, can, canister, drum, tin ,
container of paper, cardboard: bag, carton ,
container of stone: stone vase ,
container of synthetic material ,
container of textile material: bag, sack ,
hinkit ,
jalalliset astiat ,
juoma-astiat ,
kaatimet ,
keramiikka- ja posliiniastiat: ruukku, kannu, tuoppi, vaasi jne. ,
kertakäyttöastiat ,
kimpiastiat ,
korit ,
kulhot ,
lasiastiat: pullo, juomalasi, tuoppi, ruukku, vaasi jne. ,
leikkiastiat ,
maljakot ,
maljat ,
mausteastiat ,
mitta-astiat ,
nukenastiat ,
paljut ,
pesuastia ,
puuastiat ,
puuastiat: puutynnyri ,
pystöt ,
pöytyrit ,
ruoanvalmistusastiat ,
ruokailuastiat ,
ruokinta-astiat ,
ruukut ,
sanko ,
säilytysastiat ,
tiinut ,
tina-astiat ,
tonkat ,
tuoksuastiat ,
vadit ,
vesiastiat ,
astia ,
astiat ,
astiat ,
astiat ,
not 41A77 ,
p300193015 ,
p300197197 ,