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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AFO-käsite, Iconclass-avainkäsite, AAT-käsite: kivi


Naturally formed aggregate of one or more minerals. For processed or dressed rock use "stone."

General term for rock that has been cut, shaped, crushed, or otherwise formed for use in construction or other purposes. Includes the specific archaeological and anthropological sense of individual stones which may be decorated or ornamented and which may be used in ritual contexts. These are usually not carved or dressed, and so differ from sculptures made from stone.

Iconclass-tunnus 41(+2)
cc C70 kotitalous
definedConcept Y8475
fte cobble, stone
id 300011176, 300011692
kuvaus , General term for rock that has been cut, shaped, crushed, or otherwise formed for use in construction or other purposes. Includes the specific archaeological and anthropological sense of individual stones which may be decorated or ornamented and which may be used in ritual contexts. These are usually not carved or dressed, and so differ from sculptures made from stone., Naturally formed aggregate of one or more minerals. For processed or dressed rock use "stone."
laajempi käsite inorganic material, key 41, rock by form
liittyy 'The stone ... has become head of the corner' ~ stone, 'command these stones to become loaves of bread' ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness, Abimelech, with hired men, kills his brothers on one stone, except for Jotham who hides himself, Absalom is cast into a pit; a great heap of stones is put over his body, Acis and Galatea flee from Polyphemus, who seizes a rock to crush Acis, Aegeus leaves a sword and sandals under a heavy rock, Aeneas tries to save the body of Pandarus but is hit by a stone thrown by Diomedes; Venus comes to Aeneas' rescue, Ajax the Lesser shipwrecked; while he is scrambling ashore Neptune splits the rocks with his trident, Amphion and Zethus build the walls of Thebes; Amphion hoists the stones by the music of his lyre, Zethus with his hands, Andromeda kahlehdittuna kallioon, Apostoli Tuomas; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, pikari, vyö, sydän, keihäs tai peitsi, kirjakäärö, laskutaulu, kivet, Asa has the stones and timber used by Baasha to fortify Ramah carried away, to fortify Mizpah and Geba, Benjamin strikes Pharaoh's son with a stone, Christ in agony waiting to be crucified; he is sitting on or near the cross or on a stone, 'Christus im Elend', 'Christus in der Rast', Christ in distress, sitting on the cold stone (alone), Christ lying on the stone of unction, Daniel is cast into the lion's den; King Darius seals the stone, Daphnis changed into a rock: a nymph changes Daphnis the shepherd into a rock, because he was unfaithful to her (Ovid, Metamorphoses IV 276), David chooses five smooth stones from a river ~ story of David and Goliath, David slings a stone at Goliath's forehead, Echo changed into a voice: when pining away on account of Narcissus, the nymph Echo is changed into a voice; at the same time her bones turn into stone (Ovid, Metamorphoses III 398), Elijah takes twelve stones and repairs the ruined altar; he prepares his sacrifice, Frigg, wife of Odin, takes oaths from all creatures, as well as from fire, water, metals, trees, stones and illnesses, not to harm her son Balder; she leaves out the mistletoe, Gaius Marius has Sextus L. Licinius thrown down the Tarpeian rock, God makes large hailstones fall down on the Amorites who are besieging the city of Gibeon, Hercules thrusts the rocks Calpe and Abyla apart, or forces the two rocks into temporary union, Hercules, driving Geryon's cattle, has to fight the Ligurians; Jupiter assists Hercules by sending a shower of stones, Hesione kallioon kahlehdittuna, Jaakobin uni: nukkuessaan maassa kivi tyynynään Jaakob näkee unen tikapuista, jotka ulottuvat maasta taivaaseen ja joita pitkin enkelit kulkevat ylös ja alas; yleensä Jumala tikapuiden yläpäässä, Jacob and Laban make an alliance: a pile of stone is erected and an animal is sacrificed, Jacob awakes, anoints the stone and names the place Bethel, Jacob moves the stone which covers the opening of the well and waters Rachel's sheep, Jeremiah buries the linen girdle in a hole of a rock near the Euphrates, John changes sticks and stones into gold and jewels for two young philosophers (Atticus, Eugenius), Joshua orders to roll some big stones in front of the entrance to the cave of Makkedah in which the five Amorite kings are hiding, Joshua renews the covenant; a large memorial stone is set up, Joshua sets up twelve stones in the midst of the river to commemorate the miraculous crossing of the Jordan, Laelaps changed into stone: when Cephalus' dog, Laelaps, pursues the beast that plagued Thebes, they both turn into stone, Laelaps turns into stone as he helps Amphitryon to catch the Teumessian fox, which also petrifies, Lichas changed into a rock: when hurled into the sea by Hercules, Lichas is changed into a rock (Ovid, Metamorphoses IX 219), Moses builds an altar and sets up twelve stones, Moses sitting on a rock, arms held up by Aaron and Hur; the Amalekites are defeated, Moses strikes the rock twice in front of the assembled people and water gushes out; the people quench their thirst, Myscelus, about to be condemned for wanting to leave Argos, is saved by Hercules who changes the voting pebbles from black to white, Oreb is killed on the rock Oreb, Orpheus playing the lyre: trees and rocks move, beasts and birds are enchanted, Perseus surmaa merihirviön (tai muuttaa sen kiveksi näyttämällä sille Gorgonin päätä) vapauttaakseen Andromedan; toisinaan Andromedan vanhemmat Kefeus ja Kassiopeia seuraavat tapahtumia, Peter in gaol strikes water from a rock and baptizes Processus and Martinian, the guards, Phineus and his attendants are turned into stone, Phlegyas in Tartarus with a huge stone hanging over his head, Polydectes is turned into stone while banqueting, Polyphemus hurls a rock at Ulysses' departing ships, Prometheuksen rangaistus; hänet on kahlehdittu kallioon, yleensä Vulkanuksen ja/tai Merkuriuksen toimesta, Pyhä Hieronymus harjoittaa katumusta autiomaassa, puolialastomana, polvistuneena krusifiksin eteen ja pidellen kiveä kädessään hakatakseen sillä rintaansa; pääkallo (ja muita 'vanitas'-symboleja), toisinaan myös skorpioni ja käärme hänen vierellään, Samson dwells in a cave of the rock of Etam, Samuel placing a stone at Eben-ezer, Saturn devouring the stone, given to him by Rhea, instead of the new-born Jupiter, Shimei curses David and casts stones at him, Sisyfos työntämässä kiveä ylös mäkeä tai kantamassa sitä olkapäillään, St. Barbara flees from the tower, with her father in pursuit, and hides in a cleft in a rock, St. Benedict exorcizes a demon from a stone that could not be moved, St. Bruno praying in the desert of the Grande Chartreuse, a barren, rocky place in the mountains, St. Clement strikes water from a rock in the presence of a lamb, St. Sebald meeting Willibald and Wunibald; he changes water into wine and stones into bread, Tenes, who hurls a rock on the ships, is killed by Achilles, Theseus and Pirithous suffering imprisonment in Hades, sitting on a rock, Theseus takes the sword and the sandals of his father Aegeus from under the rock; usually in the presence of his mother Aethra, a huge pile of stones is put over Achan and his family, stoned to death because Achan had stolen from the spoils of Jericho, a mighty angel casting a great (mill)stone into the sea, at Gilgal Joshua erects another monument with the twelve stones taken from the Jordan, at the angel's request Gideon puts the food on a rock and pours out the broth, boulder, stone, boundary-post, boundary-stone, by order of Jeremiah, Seraiah casts the book with Jeremiah's prophecy of the destruction of Babylon into the Euphrates, after having bound a stone to it (Jeremiah 51:63), ceremonial laying of the foundations, laying the first stone, container of stone: stone vase, death of Ino: she leaps with Melicertes from a rock into the sea, to escape Athamas, death of Marcus Manlius surnamed Capitolinus: he is thrown from the Tarpeian rock for aspiring to tyranny, death of Pyrrhus: when he marches with his army into Argos a battle ensues in which Pyrrhus is killed by a woman, who throws a stone from the top of a house, death of Sappho: the poetess, desperate for the love of Phaon, throws herself from the Leucadian rock, grave hollowed out of rock, handicrafts ~ stone, house built upon a rock; house built upon sand ~ doctrine of Christ on love, etc. (Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 6:47-49), industries ~ stone, inland cliff face, jalokiviä halvempiarvoisemmat, tavalliset kivilajit, katukivet, kilometripylväs, kivi, kivi ~ rakennusmateriaali, kiviaines, kivilajit, maakuntakivet, mausoleumi, meeting of Joab and Amasa at the great stone in Gibeon; Joab's sword falls on the ground, miespuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset kiviksi, munkki ja erakko Hieronymus; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kardinaalin hattu, krusifiksi, tiimalasi, leijona, pääkallo, kivi, naispuolisten henkilöiden muodonmuutokset kiviksi, natural forms in stones, wood, clouds, etc. interpreted as representations, on the rock of Etam three thousand men of Judah ask Samson to surrender; he is bound with two new cords, punishment of Loki: he is bound to a rock; his wife Sigyn catches in a cup the poison of a snake placed above his head, ...
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi kivet, kivi, rock, sten, stone
parentNonPreferred object genres by material
prefLabel kivi, rock, sten
rtx pintamateriaalit
suppeampi käsite luonnonkivi
vastaa key 41 2, kivet, kivi, kivi, kivi, kivi, p300011176, p300011692, p4467
yläluokka materiaalit, valoa läpäisemättömät materiaalit

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