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käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite: kovakuoriaiset


Large sledgehammers made of wood, used for driving pegs or wedges, knocking heavy wood beams into place, or in other applications where material might sustain damage if struck with a conventional sledgehammer.

Chief officers in command of a military force, place, or station. For commissioned officers in the American and British navies ranking immediately below captains, see "commanders."

Commissioned officers in the American and British navies, ranking immediately below captains. For chief officers in command of a military force, place, or station, see "commanding officers."

cc C15 biologia, C25 kasvipatologia
definedConcept Y2340
distinguished from kovakuoriaiset
fte beetles
id 300024198, 300236472, 300236474
kuvaus Chief officers in command of a military force, place, or station. For commissioned officers in the American and British navies ranking immediately below captains, see "commanders.", Commissioned officers in the American and British navies, ranking immediately below captains. For chief officers in command of a military force, place, or station, see "commanding officers.", Large sledgehammers made of wood, used for driving pegs or wedges, knocking heavy wood beams into place, or in other applications where material might sustain damage if struck with a conventional sledgehammer.
laajempi käsite mallets: woodworking tools, officers
liittyy Cerambus changed into a beetle: the nymphs change Cerambus into a beetle, so that the old man can escape Deucalion's flood (Ovid, Metamorphoses VII 353), hyönteiset: kovakuoriainen
nimi beetles, commanders, commanding officers, kovakuoriainen, kovakuoriaiset, skalbaggar
on sama kuin p300236472, p300236474
prefLabel beetles, kovakuoriaiset, skalbaggar
scx Coleoptera
vastaa kovakuoriainen, kovakuoriaiset, p300024198, p6734
yläluokka hyönteiset

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