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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: kutominen


Use generally for the process of interlacing strands or strips of various materials, such as cane, textile, or twigs, to make materials or objects such as wicker, cloth, baskets, or wreaths. Use specifically for the process of making textile on a loom or other weaving device by interlacing warp and weft in a particular order.

Iconclass-tunnus 47 H 46
KT kutominen
altLabel kutominen
definedConcept Y2362
id 300053642
kuvaus , Use generally for the process of interlacing strands or strips of various materials, such as cane, textile, or twigs, to make materials or objects such as wicker, cloth, baskets, or wreaths. Use specifically for the process of making textile on a loom or other weaving device by interlacing warp and weft in a particular order.
laajempi käsite assembling, käsityö, käsityö (käsin tekeminen), manufacturing with yarn
liittyy (other forms of) needlework, e.g.: crocheting, knitting, embroidering, Arachne challenges Minerva to a weaving contest (Arachne as yet not metamorphosed), Arachne changed into a spider: when hanging herself after having been defeated in a weaving contest with Minerva, Arachne is changed into a spider by the goddess (Ovid, Metamorphoses VI 135), Ezekiel condemning the women that sew pillows to all armholes, Mary seated at the weaving-loom, Mary sewing and embroidering in the temple, Minyas' daughters changed into bats: having aroused Bacchus' anger by weaving instead of worshipping him, the daughters of Minyas, Leuconoe (Leucippe), Alcithoe and Arsippe, are changed into bats by the god (Ovid, Metamorphoses IV 399), Paul in the workshop of Aquila and Priscilla, who may be shown weaving and spinning, Penelope weaving Laertes' shroud (Homer, Odyssey II 94-100; XIX 138-155), Philomela makes a cloth on which she depicts her misfortunes and sends it to her sister Procne, Psyche encounters the ass-driver (Ocnus) and the weavers in the underworld, St. Homobonus as patron of tailors, with ell and scissors, sometimes sewing, St. Severus weaving, as patron of weavers, household occupations of Mary, kutojat, kutominen, kutomot, making of fishing nets, neulonta, ompelu, kutominen (kotona), seven locks of Samson's hair woven with a web, sewing ~ home making of clothes, tapestry weaver, gobelin maker, tapestry weaving, gobelin making, tekstiilityö, weaving (children's games and plays)
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto, Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi kudonta, kutominen, kutominen, kudonta, vävning, weaving
prefLabel kudonta, vävning, weaving
related to textile weaving processes and techniques
suppeampi käsite kankaankudonta, weaving with pattern, weaving without pattern, weaving-loom
vastaa kudonta, kudonta, kutominen, not 47H46, p300053642, p8780
yläluokka käsityö (käsin tekeminen), käsityö/tekstiili, käsityöt

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