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käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: meri


The shallower salt water areas of the earth lying on the margins of continents; loosely applied as a proper name to any specific bodies of water. For the main water areas of the earth, lying in basins, use "oceans."

The main water areas of the earth, lying in basins; for shallow salt water areas lying on the margins of continents, use "seas."

AAT-näkymä Paikka, miljöö
Iconclass-tunnus 25 H 23 21, 25 H 23 22
Kaunokki-tunnus 43908
altLabel oceaner, valtameret
cc C80 ymparistonsuojelu
definedConcept Y3257
fte oceans, seas
id 300008687, 300008694
koodi 43908
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus The main water areas of the earth, lying in basins; for shallow salt water areas lying on the margins of continents, use "seas.", The shallower salt water areas of the earth lying on the margins of continents; loosely applied as a proper name to any specific bodies of water. For the main water areas of the earth, lying in basins, use "oceans."
laajempi käsite marine bodies, particular seas, etc.
liittyy Acrisius puts Danae and Perseus, her child by Jupiter, in a chest and casts it into the sea, Aeneas' fleet sails away; Hypnos puts Palinurus to sleep, who then falls overboard and is lost, Aesacus changed into a diving bird: in despair for having caused the death of Hesperia (or Asterope), Aesacus throws himself into the sea and is changed into a diving bird by Tethys (Ovid, Metamorphoses XI 783), Asteria changed into an island: when she falls into the sea, Asteria, previously transformed into a quail, is changed into the island of Ortygia, Bacchus jumps into the sea and is received by Thetis ~ story of Lycurgus, Bellerophon slings Stheneboea from Pegasus' back into the sea, Britomartis, running away from Minos, jumps from a cliff into the sea, Ceyx shipwrecked and drowned at sea, Elijah climbs to the top of Mount Carmel where he bows down to the ground; a servant is sent to look towards the sea to check for rain, Europan ryöstö, Jupiter ja Europa; Jupiter, yleensä valkoisen härän hahmossa, ryöstää Europan ja kantaa hänet veden yli, Glaucus rises from the sea and prophesies to the sailing Argonauts (Philostratus, Imagines II 15), Helle falls from the back of the ram and is drowned in the sea that bears her name, the Hellespont, Hercules, raging with pain, hurls Lichas into the sea, Misenus challenges Triton to a musical competition; he is dragged into the sea and is drowned by the god, Neptune stirring up the sea with his trident, Neptune takes possession of the sea, Neptune, at Minos' prayer, has a beautiful white bull emerge from the sea, Neptunus meren valtiaana, Pelops hurls Myrtilus from his chariot into the sea, Perimele changed into an island: Perimele, when thrown into the sea by her father Hippodamas, is changed into an island by Neptune, at Achelous' request (Ovid, Metamorphoses VIII 609), Peter baptizes Theon in the sea: they see Christ, Polycrates, tyrant of Samos, receives a fish in whose belly he finds the ring he had thrown into the sea a few days before, Pontus, Meri, Proserpina's companions changed into sirens: Ceres changes Proserpina's companions into sirens, so that they may search for Proserpina over the sea (Ovid, Metamorphoses V 552), Sciron, who made his victims wash his feet and then threw them into the sea, is killed by Theseus, Scylla throws herself into the sea, St. Clement is thrown off a cliff (or from a boat) into the sea with an anchor (or a millstone) tied to his neck, St. Nicholas appears to pilgrims who had received a flask of oil from the devil (or Diana) disguised as a pious woman; they pour the oil into the sea whereupon it bursts into flames, Theseus' dispute with King Minos: Minos proves himself a son of Jupiter, his prayer is answered by thunder; Theseus proves himself a son of Neptune, he jumps into the sea and brings back the ring Minos threw into it, Theseus' ship, with black sails, approaches Athens; Aegeus casts himself into the sea, Thetis leaves Peleus and returns to her home in the sea, Triton draws the Argo by the keel from the lake to the sea, Tyrrhenian sailors changed into dolphins: when Bacchus turns himself into a lion and has a vine grow about the ship, the Tyrrhenian sailors out of terror jump into the sea, and are metamorphosed into dolphins (Ovid, Metamorphoses III 662), Vulcan falls into the sea and finds refuge with Thetis and Eurynome, a boy falls into the sea with a golden cup; St. Nicholas restores the boy and the cup to the boy's father, a lobster brings back to St. Francis Xavier a crucifix which had fallen into the sea, a mighty angel casting a great (mill)stone into the sea, after having forced Apollo (Sol) to give up his golden goblet, Hercules uses it as a boat to cross the ocean, cast into the sea, St. Cosmas and Damian are miraculously saved by angels, coast (in tropical and sub-tropical regions), death of Glaucus, the fisherman: he eats the grass on which he has laid his fishes and leaps into the sea, death of Ino: she leaps with Melicertes from a rock into the sea, to escape Athamas, death of Phyllis: desperate at the delay of her lover, she hangs herself or throws herself into the sea, deep-sea diving, four great beasts rising from the sea ~ Daniel's visions, heaven represented as Sea of Glass, in or beside the water (on the beach), journey of the Israelites from Succoth to the Red Sea (Exodus 13:17-20), jumalten kokoukset ja neuvonpidot merellä, jumalten pidot (merellä), kulku Punaisen meren poikki, maiden, alueiden, vuorien, jokien, jne. maantieteelliset nimet, matkalla, merellä (~ matkustaminen), merestä nouseva peto ~ Johanneksen ilmestys, meri, meri, merialueet, ocean floor, rannikko, ranta, sea (seascape), sea-burial, syntymä, syvänmeren alueet, the Provençal prince leaving Jerusalem and returning to Marseilles by boat, the Sirens throw themselves into the sea, the abduction of Helen and some of her companions: Paris carries them off by sea, and takes a part of the palace-treasure with him, the body of St. Victor is thrown into the sea, the body of the wife of the Provençal prince (about to be) cast into the sea, the demons enter into a herd of swine, which leap into the sea ~ healing of two possessed at Gerasa, the drowned Leander is borne away, usually by Nereids, towards Hero; the latter possibly jumps to her death into the sea, the sea voyage of St. Eustace and his family: since he has no money, the captain of the boat seizes his wife (Theospita or Theopista) by way of payment, the second of the seven angels sounds the trumpet: a great burning mountain is cast into the sea, yleiset julkiset juhlat
nimi hav, meret, meri, ocean, oceans, sea, seas, valtameri
on sama kuin Meri, meri, p300008687
prefLabel hav, meret, seas
related to meri
suppeampi käsite meri (NIMEN kanssa), ocean personified, valtameri (NIMEN kanssa)
vastaa keyword174340278929, meret, meri, not 25H2321, not 25H2322, p300008694, p8444, valtameri
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