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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, Iconclass-avainkäsite, AAT-käsite: tykistö


Firearms generally having a bore of over 1 inch in diameter, designed to be supported on a gun mount or carriage when operated and requiring a crew of at least two people.

Use to refer to firearms, generally having a bore of 1 inch or less in diameter, that are designed to be operated by one person, held in one or both hands, with or without the support of the shoulder.

AAT-näkymä Teema
Iconclass-tunnus 45(+24)
Kaunokki-tunnus 42072
activity event using producing gunsmithing
definedConcept Y5639
id 300036931, 300037150
koodi 42072
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Firearms generally having a bore of over 1 inch in diameter, designed to be supported on a gun mount or carriage when operated and requiring a crew of at least two people., Use to refer to firearms, generally having a bore of 1 inch or less in diameter, that are designed to be operated by one person, held in one or both hands, with or without the support of the shoulder.
laajempi käsite aselajit, maajoukot, maavoimat, tuliaseet, ampuma-aseet
liittyy tykistö
nimi artilleri, artillery, small arms, tykistö
on sama kuin key 45 24, p300037150
osa kokonaisuutta aselajit
prefLabel artilleri, artillery, tykistö
related to bazookas, gun cabinets, gun carriages, gun mounts, konekiväärit
suppeampi käsite kenttätykistö, rannikkotykistö
users producers gunsmiths
vastaa keyword174340894142, p300036931, p3942, tykisto
yläluokka maavoimat

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