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käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: pääkallo


Bony framework of the head, enclosing the brain and supporting the face.

altLabel pääkallo
definedConcept Y8041
id 300191856
kuvaus Bony framework of the head, enclosing the brain and supporting the face.
laajempi käsite skeleton components
liittyy (ihmisen) pääkallo, (the skull or skeleton of) Adam at the foot of the cross of Christ (iconographic particularity to be used as additional notation only), Charles Borromeo, cardinal of Milan; possible attributes: cardinal's hat, crucifix, rope round his neck, skull, Francis Borgia, Jesuit priest and duke of Gandia; possible attributes: book, ducal hat, monstrance, skull with crown, Martyrs of Maroc; possible attributes: scimitar (sword or sabre) in skull, split skull, sword in hand, Pyhä Hieronymus harjoittaa katumusta autiomaassa, puolialastomana, polvistuneena krusifiksin eteen ja pidellen kiveä kädessään hakatakseen sillä rintaansa; pääkallo (ja muita 'vanitas'-symboleja), toisinaan myös skorpioni ja käärme hänen vierellään, St. Macarius conversing with a skull about the tortures of the damned, St. Onuphrius as penitent in the wilderness with a skull, sometimes kneeling before a crucifix, St. Rosalia as hermit in a cave, with book, skull, and lily, eläimen pääkallo, founder of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Francis(cus) of Assisi; possible attributes: book, crucifix, lily, skull, stigmata, human skull as drinking-vessel, meditation over skull and/or crucifix, munkki ja erakko Hieronymus; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kardinaalin hattu, krusifiksi, tiimalasi, leijona, pääkallo, kivi, pää, pääkallo (Kuoleman symbolina), pääkallo Vanitas-symbolina, skull of an animal, skull of an animal, skull of an animal, skull of an animal, the Dominican friar Peter Martyr of Verona; possible attributes: crucifix, finger at lips, palm, sword (axe or knife) in skull (or breast), wound in head, the Franciscan Tertiary Margaret of Cortona; possible attributes: discipline, dog, lily, skull, stone, the Franciscan monk Peter of Alcantara; possible attributes: book, crucifix, discipline, dove, pen and ink, skull, the Jesuit friar Aloysius Gonzaga; possible attributes: crucifix, discipline, lily, skull, the Jesuit priest Peter Canisius; possible attributes: book, crucifix, IHS monogram, pen, skull, the dying Tydeus gulps the brains from Melanippus' skull; Minerva withdraws in disgust, the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola; possible attributes: book (with 'ad majorem Dei gloriam'), demon, dragon under feet, flames, flaming heart, globe, IHS monogram, skull (with crown), tears in eyes, torch, the founder of the Order of the Carthusians, Bruno; possible attributes: cross, finger at lips, lily, mitre at his feet, olive-branch, ray of light, skull, (seven) star(s), the hermit Macarius of Egypt (the Elder, the Great); possible attributes: T-shaped staff, skull, the hermit and founder of the (Franciscan) Minim Friars, Francis of Paola; possible attributes: inscription 'Charitas' on breast, discipline, skull, staff, the martyr Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury; possible attributes: (red) chasuble, sword in skull, the penitent St. Mary Magdalene (often before a cave, possibly at La Sainte-Baume hill): her long hair covers her (naked) body, she reads, meditates or raises her tear-filled eyes towards heaven
lisätiedot aivokopan ja kasvojen luiden kokonaisuus
nimi kallo, pääkallo, skallen, skull
osa kokonaisuutta luuranko
prefLabel kallo, skallen, skull
vastaa kallo, p12820, p300191856, paakallo
yläluokka tuki- ja liikuntaelimet
ysoSource MOT Lääketiede 2.0a

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