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käsite, YSO-käsite, YSO-koostekäsite, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: kielitiede


Scientific study of language as a system, covering the structure, sounds, and meaning, as well as the history of the relations of languages to each other and the cultural place of language in human behavior.

altLabel lingvistiikka
definedConcept Y2057, p17032
id 300054245
kuvaus Scientific study of language as a system, covering the structure, sounds, and meaning, as well as the history of the relations of languages to each other and the cultural place of language in human behavior.
laajempi käsite linguistics and related disciplines
liittyy filologia, kielifilosofia, kielitypologia, linguistics
nimi kielitiede, linguistics, språkvetenskap
prefLabel kielitiede, linguistics, språkvetenskap
related to kielitieteilijät
vastaa kielitiede, p1631, p17032
yläluokka ihmistieteet

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