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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AAT-käsite: asetelmat


Images in which the focus is a depiction of inanimate objects, as distinguished from art in which such objects are subsidiary elements in a composition. The term is generally applied to depictions of fruit, flowers, meat or dead game, vessels, eating utensils, and other objects, including skulls, candles, and hourglasses, typically arranged on a table. Such images were known since the time of ancient Greece and Rome; however, the subject was exploited by some 16th-century Italian painters, and was highly developed in 17th-century Dutch painting, where the qualities of form, color, texture, and composition were valued, and the images were intended to relay allegorical messages. The subject is generally seen in oil paintings, though it can also be found in mosaics, watercolors, prints, collages, and photographs. The term originally included paintings in which the focus was on living animals at rest, although such depictions would now be called "animal paintings."

Use for still lifes in which the objects depicted are reminders of mortality, the transcience of human life, and the ultimate worthlessness of earthly possessions, such as hourglasses, scales, mirrors, skulls, and symbols of wealth, learning, and power such as jewels, books, and armor; especially popular in 17th century Dutch painting.

definedConcept Y6768
id 300015638, 300249151
kuvaus Images in which the focus is a depiction of inanimate objects, as distinguished from art in which such objects are subsidiary elements in a composition. The term is generally applied to depictions of fruit, flowers, meat or dead game, vessels, eating utensils, and other objects, including skulls, candles, and hourglasses, typically arranged on a table. Such images were known since the time of ancient Greece and Rome; however, the subject was exploited by some 16th-century Italian painters, and was highly developed in 17th-century Dutch painting, where the qualities of form, color, texture, and composition were valued, and the images were intended to relay allegorical messages. The subject is generally seen in oil paintings, though it can also be found in mosaics, watercolors, prints, collages, and photographs. The term originally included paintings in which the focus was on living animals at rest, although such depictions would now be called "animal paintings.", Use for still lifes in which the objects depicted are reminders of mortality, the transcience of human life, and the ultimate worthlessness of earthly possessions, such as hourglasses, scales, mirrors, skulls, and symbols of wealth, learning, and power such as jewels, books, and armor; especially popular in 17th century Dutch painting.
laajempi käsite asetelmat, visual works by subject type
liittyy (personifications of) 'Vanitas', the vanity of human life; Fragilità humana, Fugacità delle grandezze & della gloria mondana, Meditatione della morte, Opera vana, Piacere vano, Vana gloria, Vanità (Ripa), Pyhä Hieronymus harjoittaa katumusta autiomaassa, puolialastomana, polvistuneena krusifiksin eteen ja pidellen kiveä kädessään hakatakseen sillä rintaansa; pääkallo (ja muita 'vanitas'-symboleja), toisinaan myös skorpioni ja käärme hänen vierellään, Vanitas-asetelma, Vanitas-symbolit, asetelma, 'still life' (yleensä), kitchen-interior with foodstuffs in foreground (Dutch: 'keukenstuk'), pöytäasetelma, ruoka-aineet, ruoka-asetelma, seasons of the year represented by still lifes of flowers and/or fruits, spoils of the hunt, game, venison, still life of plants, flowers and fruit, still life representing seasons and months, the twelve months represented by still lifes of flowers and/or fruits
nimi Vanitas, asetelma, asetelmat, still lifes, stilleben, vanitas
on sama kuin p300249151, vanitas
prefLabel asetelmat, still lifes, stilleben
related to animal paintings
source Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#asetelmat
vastaa asetelma, asetelmat, asetelmat, p300015638, p3655
yläluokka eloton fyysinen kokonaisuus

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