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Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: puppets


Use for inanimate figures made to move by human effort, as by strings, wires, sticks, or directly by the hand, usually before an audience.

Upright supports or guides of a machine that are fastened at the bottom only.

Iconclass-tunnus 48 C 85 51
id 300138750, 300161919
kuvaus Upright supports or guides of a machine that are fastened at the bottom only., Use for inanimate figures made to move by human effort, as by strings, wires, sticks, or directly by the hand, usually before an audience.
laajempi käsite nukketeatteri ja marionettiesitys, recreational artifacts for noncompetitive activities, shaping and guiding tools
locational context setting puppet theaters
nimi lathe puppets, puppet, puppets
on sama kuin not 48C8551, p300161919
related to puppetry, puppetry
suppeampi käsite Punch and Judy
users producers puppeteers

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