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käsite, YSO-käsite, Avainsana, Iconclass-luokkakäsite: käärmeet


Iconclass-tunnus 25 F 42
definedConcept Y8846
laajempi käsite matelijat (liskot, käärmeet, ym.)
liittyy "Immaculata", "Purisima": Neitsyt Maria seisomassa tavallisesti kuunsirpillä, laskeutumassa taivaasta (polkien toisinaan käärmettä jalallaan), 'Anna Selbdritt' ~ Christ-child playing, or treading on a snake, 'amphisbaena' (snake with head at both ends), Admetus finds serpents in his marriage-bed, Aeneas sacrificing at Anchises' grave: a snake appears, Aesacus changed into a diving bird while pursuing the nymph Hesperia (or Asterope), who is bitten by a snake, Aesculapius in the shape of a serpent (or dragon) arrives at Rome and hides himself among the reeds of the Tiber island, Aesculapius transforms himself into a serpent (or dragon) and leaves Epidaurus by ship, Alcon shoots the serpent that was coiling around his son, without harming the child, Alecto flings a snake from her hair into the bosom of Latinus' wife Amata, Amand(us) of Maastricht; possible attributes: snake, Antigone's hair is changed into snakes, Benedict of Nurcia, abbot of Monte Cassino and founder of the Benedictine Order; possible attributes: aspergillum, book, cup (sometimes broken), raven with loaf, sieve (or tray), Cadmus and Harmonia changed into snakes: when loaded with grief and the infirmity of old age, Cadmus and Harmonia are changed into snakes (Ovid, Metamorphoses IV 576), Eurydice, while fleeing from Aristaeus, is killed by a snake, Eve in the shape of a serpent with a woman's head, Garuda, half man half bird, Hercules strangles two serpents in his cradle, Hezekiah breaks Moses' brazen serpent, Hilary (Hilarius), bishop of Poitiers; possible attributes: serpent(s), Januksen attribuutit (NIMEN kanssa), Jupiter, in the form of a snake, and Proserpina, Jättiläiset, Gigantit (käärmeet jalkoinaan), ja niiden taistelu jumalia vastaan, Kekrops: puoliksi ihminen - puoliksi käärme, Attikan ensimmäinen kuningas, Kleopatran kuolema: hän tekee itsemurhan pitämällä rintaansa vasten aspiskäärmettä, jonka hän on ottanut viikunakorista, Laocoon and his twin sons are strangled by two serpents during the preparations for a sacrifice, Minerva muuttaa Medusan hiukset käärmeiksi, Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh; Aaron performs the miracle of the rod changing into a snake, Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, embraced by a serpent or a dragon, Orpheus' head, washed ashore, is attacked by a serpent, Paul bitten by a viper (when throwing wood on the fire), Perseus flies over the Libyan desert, carrying the head of Medusa; the blood drops that fall from it change into snakes, Philoctetes is bitten by a snake, Polyidus brings Glaucus back to life with a herb he has seen a snake use to revive its dead fellow, Pyhä Hieronymus harjoittaa katumusta autiomaassa, puolialastomana, polvistuneena krusifiksin eteen ja pidellen kiveä kädessään hakatakseen sillä rintaansa; pääkallo (ja muita 'vanitas'-symboleja), toisinaan myös skorpioni ja käärme hänen vierellään, Sextus Pompeius consults the Thessalian witch Erichto, who lashes a corpse with serpents so that it may foretell the outcome of the battle of Pharsalia, St. Hilary driving away serpents from the island of Gallinaria, St. Thecla is thrown into a dungeon filled with water, as victim of serpents, Temptation and Fall: Adam and Eve in paradise (after the Fall) (Genesis 3:8-21), Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus having found two snakes in his house or bed, having consulted an haruspex, kills the male serpent and lets the female serpent go; thus he causes his own death, and saves the life of his wife Cornelia, Tiresias, striking two coupling serpents with his staff, is changed into a woman, a serpent bites Judas Thaddaeus' adversaries, apostles must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves ~ the ideal apostle (Matthew 10:16), apostoli Johannes evankelista; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, iso pata, pikari ja käärme, kotka, palmu, kirjakäärö, attributes of Apollo (with NAME), basilisk (cock with posterior of snake), caduceus (staff with two snakes, attribute of Mercury), chimera (lion/goat/snake); 'Chimera' (Ripa), death of the Cecropides: terrified at seeing the serpent-shaped Erichthonius, they throw themselves down from the Acropolis, kiusaus ja syntiinlankeemus (Genesis 3:1-7), käärmeet, miracle of the rod changed into a serpent ; Moses may be shown fleeing from the serpent, monsters ~ snakes, neitsytmarttyyri Kristiina Bolsenalainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: nuoli (nuolet), kirja, liekit, myllynkivi, pihdit, käärme, pyörä, on their return the Seven find the child Opheltes dead; they kill the snake (or dragon), bury Opheltes, and institute the Nemean games in the boy's honour, punishment of Loki: he is bound to a rock; his wife Sigyn catches in a cup the poison of a snake placed above his head, sacrifice to Jupiter and Apollo: a snake swallows a nest of eight young birds and their mother; the augur Calchas explains the portent, satueläimet ~ käärmeet, serpent Ouroboros, snake changed into stone, stones given for bread; serpents given for fish ~ doctrine of Christ on love, etc. (Matthew 7:9-10; Luke 11:11-12), the apostle Philip; possible attributes: book, cross, dish with snake, lance, scroll, stone, sword, the brazen serpent (Numbers 21:4-9), the daughters of Cecrops open the basket and discover the serpent-shaped child; possibly a crow (i.e. Coronis metamorphosed) looks on, the devil escapes, perforating the bottom of the ark, the grass snake fills the gap with its tail to prevent the ark from sinking, the tree of knowledge of good and evil (whose fruit, usually apples or figs, brings death); the tree may be guarded by the serpent, the virgin martyr Thecla of Iconium; possible attributes: bear, (ball of) flames, lion, pillar, serpents, the young Opheltes, left on the ground, is bitten by a snake (or dragon) and dies, three serpents try to crawl into the city of Troy; only one succeeds, through Aeacus' part of the wall, violent death by snake-bite, when the people complain again about the food, God sends poisonous snakes; many die of snake-bites ~ book of Numbers, while Melampus is sleeping, his ears are licked by serpents; on awakening he understands the language of the birds, while fighting with Hercules the river-god Achelous changes himself into a serpent
nimi käärme, käärmeet, ormar, snakes
on sama kuin kaarme
prefLabel käärmeet, ormar, snakes
suppeampi käsite käärmeet (NIMEN kanssa)
vastaa kaarme, kaarmeet, not 25F42, p10342
yläluokka matelijat (liskot, käärmeet, ym.)

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