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MAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AAT-käsite: shamanismi


Refers generally to the religious practices of some northern Asian peoples who believe that good and evil spirits inhabit the world and can be summoned or heard through inspired priests acting as mediums. Shamanism is also found amongst the pre-Chrisitian Lapps, the Inuit, the Plains Indians of North America, some Australian Aborigines, and some other peoples. The term was originally used by the Tungus people of Siberia.

altLabel shamanismi
id 300055999
kuvaus , Refers generally to the religious practices of some northern Asian peoples who believe that good and evil spirits inhabit the world and can be summoned or heard through inspired priests acting as mediums. Shamanism is also found amongst the pre-Chrisitian Lapps, the Inuit, the Plains Indians of North America, some Australian Aborigines, and some other peoples. The term was originally used by the Tungus people of Siberia.
laajempi käsite religious ideologies
liittyy ekstaattiset ilmiöt, noitarummut, riitit, uusšamanismi
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi schamanism, shamanism, shamanismi, šamanismi
prefLabel schamanism, šamanismi
related to shamans
source Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#shamanismi
vastaa p1252, p300055999, shamanismi, shamanismi
yläluokka uskonnolliset ilmiöt

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