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käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: sonni


Formal documents issued by the pope that are sealed with a bulla (a round, usually lead, seal) or sealed with a red-ink imprint of the device on the bulla.

Iconclass-tunnus 47 I 21 11
agcx bulls
cc C30 kotielaintiede
definedConcept Y15484
fte bulls
id 300152044
kuvaus Formal documents issued by the pope that are sealed with a bulla (a round, usually lead, seal) or sealed with a red-ink imprint of the device on the bulla.
laajempi käsite bovine cattle, church records by form or function
liittyy 'Suovetaurilia', offering of a boar, a ram and a bull ~ Roman religion, 'Taurobolia', offering a bull ~ Roman religion, (7) Herkules pyydystää Kreetan härän, Ampelus dies after falling from a bull, Amphion and Zethus avenge their mother by tying Dirce to the horns of a bull, Bacchuksen attribuutit: härkä, Balaam commands seven altars, seven bulls and seven rams to be prepared for a sacrifice in the presence of King Balak, Balaam sacrificing the seven bulls and the seven rams in the presence of King Balak, Cerastae changed into bullocks: because they sacrifice human beings to Jupiter, the Cerastae (horned people of Cyprus) are changed into bullocks by Venus (Ovid, Metamorphoses X 222), Cygnus, son of Apollo, changed into a swan: because his friend Phil(l)ius refused to give him the bull captured by the help of Hercules, Cycnus, the son of Apollo, leaps off a cliff, and is changed into a swan (Ovid, Metamorphoses VII 371), Europan ryöstö, Jupiter ja Europa; Jupiter, yleensä valkoisen härän hahmossa, ryöstää Europan ja kantaa hänet veden yli, Gideon and ten servants destroy the altar of Baal, cut down the grove near it, build an altar to God on the rock, take a bullock and offer a burnt sacrifice, Jason hitches the fire-breathing bulls to the plough, Milon of Croton carries a young bullock on his shoulders, Minotauros (Minotauroksen taru), Mithra(s), usually standing in a cave, stabs a bull with a dagger, Neptune in the shape of a bull, and Aeolus' daughter Arne, Neptune, at Minos' prayer, has a beautiful white bull emerge from the sea, Pasiphae enamoured of a white bull, Saturninus (Sernin), martyr and bishop of Toulouse; possible attributes: bull, St. Eustace (and his family) roasted alive in a hollow brazen bull, St. Perpetua and St. Felicitas are thrown before a wild bull in the arena, St. Saturninus, tied to a bull, is dragged down the steps of the Capitol of Toulouse, St. Sylvester restores to life a wild bull that had been killed by a Jewish magician, St. Thecla is tied to two bulls, Theseus captures the bull of Marathon, Theseus is received amicably by Hecale (Hecalene) on his return from capturing the bull of Marathon, an altar is prepared by the Baal-worshippers and a bull is laid upon it; all the priests' cries, wild dances and self-mutilations are in vain (sacrifice on Mount Carmel), bull changed to stag: to avoid detection of the theft of the bull by Bacchus' son, the bull is changed into a stag, death of Hippolytus: he is killed when the horses that draw his chariot bolt at the sight of a bull-shaped monster, death of Perillus: he is thrown into a heated bronze bull by order of Phalaris, härkä, härkätaistelu, karja, keskeiset uroteot, on Mount Gargano the Archangel Michael appears to Garganus, the bishop of Siponte, who had shot an arrow at a bull, pope Sylvester I; possible attributes: book, bull, (chained) dragon, seven bulls, seven rams, seven lambs and seven goats are offered; the people sing and the priests play trumpets, harps and cymbals ~ story of Hezekiah, sonni, the Minotaur, half a man and half a bull, in his dwelling-place, the Labyrinth, supplied with human sacrifices, the Roman soldier and hunter Eustace (Eustachius, Eustathius); possible attributes: banner, bull of brass, cuirass, hunting horn, lance, stag's head with crucifix, sword, two sons, wife, the martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas (Felicity) of Carthage; possible attributes: wild bull, the return of Paris to Troy; he follows the bull which is to be the prize in the funeral games organized by Priam, while fighting with Hercules the river-god Achelous changes himself into a bull, or a bull-headed man, wild bulls bring the corpse of James the Great into the castle of Queen Lupa
nimi bull, bulls, sonni, sonnit, tjurar
prefLabel bulls, sonnit, tjurar
suppeampi käsite härkä
vastaa not 47I2111, p300152044, p7872, sonni, sonnit
yläluokka nauta, nautaeläimet

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