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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: koruompelu


Refers to works characterized by a pattern or design executed in stitches using thread or fine wire. The designs are typically executed on textiles, but leather, paper, or another media may also be used; the designs may be intended to be framed, or to decorate apparel, bed linens, furniture coverings, pillows, altar cloths, ceremonial hangings, or other items.

Refers to the process in which a needle and thread or fine wire are used to stitch decorative designs into cloth, leather, paper, or other material. It may also refer to the process used to create machine-made imitations of hand-made embroidery. For the weft patterning technique of weaving raised patterns on a woven textile, use "brocading."

KT brodeeraus, koristeompelu, koruompelu
actuality helmilangat, merkkausliinat
altLabel brodeeraus, kirjailu, koruompelu
concept s needing producing koruompelu
definedConcept Y2124, p34871
distinguished from brocading, filet lace
documents products needed produced koruompelu
id 300053653, 300264024
kuvaus , Refers to the process in which a needle and thread or fine wire are used to stitch decorative designs into cloth, leather, paper, or other material. It may also refer to the process used to create machine-made imitations of hand-made embroidery. For the weft patterning technique of weaving raised patterns on a woven textile, use "brocading.", Refers to works characterized by a pattern or design executed in stitches using thread or fine wire. The designs are typically executed on textiles, but leather, paper, or another media may also be used; the designs may be intended to be framed, or to decorate apparel, bed linens, furniture coverings, pillows, altar cloths, ceremonial hangings, or other items.
laajempi käsite koristelu, koruompelu, käsityö, needlework, needleworking, ompelu
liittyy 'mizrah', drawing, print or embroidery attached to the easterly wall of the room ~ Jewish customs, (other forms of) needlework, e.g.: crocheting, knitting, embroidering, Mary sewing and embroidering in the temple, Philomela makes a cloth on which she depicts her misfortunes and sends it to her sister Procne, decorating 'en relief', appliquéing, embroidering ~ textile industry, embroidery (ornamentation), helmilangat, koristelu, merkkausliinat
lisätiedot ,
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto, Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi broderi, embroidering, embroidery, kirjonta, koruompelu
prefLabel broderi, embroidery, kirjonta
suppeampi käsite alikeompelu, applikaatio, helmikirjonta, konekirjonta, koruompelu, leikekirjonta, nimikointi, pistokirjonta, reikäompelu, revinnäiskirjonta, valkokirjonta, vanukirjonta
vastaa kirjonta, kirjonta, kirjonta, koruompelu, koruompelu, koruompelu, p13265, p300264024, p34871
yläluokka käsityö/tekstiili, ompelu, pistokirjonta

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