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käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, asiasana, Iconclass-luokkakäsite: hevonen


AAT-näkymä Henkilö, toimijat
Iconclass-tunnus 46 C 13 14 1
Kaunokki-tunnus 44599
cc C15 biologia, C30 kotielaintiede
definedConcept Y1278
fte horse
koodi 44599
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
laajempi käsite hevoset ja hevosensukuiset eläimet, kotieläimet
liittyy 'hippogriffe' (horse/eagle), Absalom purchases horses, wagons and fifty soldiers, Achilles watches Troilus, Priam's son, at the horse-trough; sometimes Polyxena present, Alexander has Betis, governor of Gaza, bound to his chariot and dragged around the city, Alexander tames Bucephalus, Amaziah is assassinated in Lachish; his body is carried back to Jerusalem on a horse, Apollo auringon vaunuissa, neljän hevosen vetämänä, edellään yleensä soihtua pitelevä Aurora; 'Carro del Sole' (Ripa), Apollon hevoset, Baiardo, Rinaldon hevonen, Brigliadoro, the horse of Orlando; also known as Veillantif and Vegliantino, Darius is chosen king of Persia; his horse is the first to neigh at sunrise, Elia nousee tulisilla vaunuilla taivaaseen: tulisten ja tuulispäisten hevosten vetämät sotavaunut ilmestyvät ja Elia nousee niissä taivaaseen; Elian viitta putoaa (tai hän ojentaa sen Elisalle), Evenus, in desperation, after killing his horses throws himself into the river that bears his name, Frontino, the horse of Ruggiero, Haman's discomfiture: Ahasuerus orders the royal robes and his horse to be bestowed on Mordecai, Hector's body, tied to Achilles' chariot, is dragged around the city, Jehu drives his horses over Jezebel's body, Josiah removes the horses and burns the chariots used in the worship of the sun-god, Luna vaunuissaan, yleensä kahden hevosen, valkoisen ja mustan, vetämänä; 'Carro della Luna' (Ripa), Mezentius confronts Aeneas again, and is killed together with his horse, Minerva in contest with Neptune for Athens: Minerva creates the olive-tree, Neptune the horse; Jupiter and other Olympians look on, Neptune in the shape of a stallion, and Ceres in the shape of a mare; from their union Arion is born, Neptunuksen attribuutit (NIMEN kanssa), Philyra beloved by Saturn, occasionally in the shape of a horse, Publius Licinius Valerianus is conquered by Sapor: the Persian king mounts his horse using the Roman emperor as a foot-stool, Quintus Sertorius orders two men to pull the hair from a horse's tail: one tries to pull all the hairs in one time, and fails, the other pulls the hairs one by one and succeeds (an example of the advantage of perseverance over violence), Rabicano, the horse of Astolfo, Rhodogune, the Persian princess, in full armour with her horse surveys the battle-field after the victory over the Armenians, Rudolf of Habsburg offers his horse to a priest ~ extreme unction, Sardanapaloksen kuolema: ennenkuin hän polttaa itsensä palatsissaan kaikkien aarteidensa kanssa, hän tapattaa haareminsa ja hevosensa, Solomon buys horses in Egypt, St. Dominic resurrects young Napoleon Orsini, who was killed by a fall from his horse, St. Eloi cuts off the leg of a kicking horse to shoe it and afterwards miraculously replaces it; sometimes Christ or St. Peter, as apprentice, performing the miracle, St. George is torn apart by horses, St. Hippolytus is tied to the tails of wild horses and dragged to death, or torn apart, St. Juliana is dragged behind a horse, St. Sylvester is presented with the imperial insignia (cloak, tiara, horse, ceremonial umbrella (or canopy), etc. by Constantine, Tarchon plucks Venulus from his horse, Ulysses and Diomedes kill Rhesus and his companions and take away his horses, accident with horse (or kindred animal), apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta, at the height of the famine, Ahab orders Obadiah to search for grass for the horses and mules, death of Hippolytus: he is killed when the horses that draw his chariot bolt at the sight of a bull-shaped monster, death of Lycurgus: wild horses pull his limbs apart, for the suit of Hippodamia Neptune provides Pelops with a golden chariot drawn by winged horses, four chariots (with red, black, white, grisled and bay horses respectively) coming out from between two mountains of brass (Zechariah 6:1-8), from a corpse lying in a bronze horse Gyges takes a magic ring, which has the power of making someone invisible, hevonen, hobby-horse, horses (circus performance), hunting with horses, kilparatsastus, liikkuva hevonen, noitien pikkupaholaiset, pikkupirut, apulaiset: hevonen, on the way to Damascus Christ appears to Saul, who falls from his horse and is blinded by the light, ratsuhevoset, ravihevonen, ritarimarttyyri Pyhä Yrjö (Georgius); mahdolliset attribuutit: sotalippu (punainen risti valkealla pohjalla), (punainen) risti, lohikäärme, (valkoinen) hevonen, murtunut peitsi, kilpi (jossa risti), miekka, rocking-horse, satueläimet ~ sorkkaeläimet: siivekäs hevonen, sea-horse, 'hippocampus' (horse/fish), taming of wild horses, the blacksmith and goldsmith Eloi (Eligius), bishop of Noyon; possible attributes: anvil, cup, (crown on) hammer, horse (missing one leg), horseleg, horseshoe, tongs, the conversion of St. Norbert: when riding on horseback, he is thrown out of the saddle by a thunderbolt, the four lepers find that the Syrians have left the camp, leaving behind their tents and horses, the kings of the north are defeated by Joshua, who burns their chariots and cripples their horses by cutting the hamstrings, the kings of the north rallied around Jabin, king of Hazor, muster their armies with many horses and chariots near the waters of Merom, the sons of Niobe, who were mounting their horses, die by the darts of Apollo, työhevoset, violent death by being bound, tied, behind vehicle or animal, voitto, wagon racing (with horses)
nimi hevonen, horse, häst
prefLabel hevonen, horse, häst
rtx hevosrodut, ratsuhevoset, ravihevonen, työhevoset
scx Equus caballus
suppeampi käsite fighting horses, horse (with NAME of race or kind), oriit, poni, ruunat, tammat, varsat
vastaa hevonen, hevonen, keyword174340176413, not 46C13141, p501
yläluokka hevoseläimet, kavioeläimet

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