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liittyy Calling, Vocation, Mission, Christ ~ human occupations, Jacob serving Laban for Rachel and Leah (Genesis 29:14-30), Jewish spiritual leaders and divisions, religious functionaries, Labour, Mary on a column appears to James (mission of James), Orestes is ordered by Apollo to secure the image of Diana in Tauris, Psyche performing various tasks set to her by Venus, Solomon assembles all the foreigners for the labour service, St Benedict blesses St. Maurus and St. Placidus before they depart on teaching missions, St. Francis Xavier at work as missionary in the East Indies, Task, arkkitehti työssään, child running errands, cinematographer at work, draughtsman at work, epoch from Christ to the end of the world ~ working, waking, events preceding the mission of Thomas, fire-department, fire-brigade, generally despised professions, 'unehrliche Leute', hallintoelimet, hallitus, valtiovalta, valtio; 'Politica', 'Auttorit... o Potest...' (Ripa), human occupations representing seasons and months, ihminen ja eläin, kaksitoista kuukautta kuvattuna ihmisen toimintoina, sijoitettuna yleensä maisemaan; ns. "eri kuukausien askareet"; vuodenaikojen kierto, kauppa, kaupankäynti, talouselämä ja rahaliikenne, keskeiset uroteot, keskeiset uroteot, kitchen-personnel, kotityö, koulutus, tiede ja oppiminen, kuvanveistäjä työssään, käsityö ja teollisuus, käsityöläisiä työssään, laki ja oikeudenkäyttö, lapsityövoima, man doing woman's work, markkinat ja sirkus, metsästys, miner, mission of Andrew, mission of Peter ('Pasce oves meas'): Christ pointing to a lamb, Peter perhaps with keys in his hands, mission of the apostles, mission of the apostles after the Resurrection, missionary journeys of Paul, mortuary specialists, muoti, muusikko työssään, muut erilaiset uskonnot, kultit ja uskonnolliset opinkappaleet tai doktriinit, occupations ~ cattle, oral announcement (of death), undertaker's man, organisaatio, papisto ja korkea-arvoiset virkamiehet kirkossa ja siihen liittyvissä instituutioissa (esim. luostarilaitos ), prospector, prostituutio, religious and magic concepts, occupations, fashions, realities, general ideas ~ Judaism and Jewry, religious functionaries ~ American Indian religions, religious functionaries ~ Australian and Polynesian/Melanesian religions, religious functionaries ~ Babylonian-Assyrian religions and other antique religions of the Near East and Northern Africa, religious functionaries ~ Celtic religion, religious functionaries ~ Egyptian religion, religious functionaries ~ Freemasonry, religious functionaries ~ Germanic and Scandiavian religions, religious functionaries ~ Greek religion, religious functionaries ~ Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, religious functionaries ~ Islam, Mohammedanism, religious functionaries ~ Mithraism and other Hellenistic or Late Roman (provincial) religions (including ancient Iranian religions), religious functionaries ~ Roman religion, religious functionaries ~ Shinto, religious functionaries ~ Slavonic and other European and Central-Asian religions, religious functionaries ~ non-Christian religions, religious functionaries ~ traditional Chinese religions, seasons of the year represented by scenes showing human activities, usually in a landscape, sodankäynti, spreading the gospel; missionary work, taidekauppa, taideliike, taidemaalari työssään, työhuoneessaan, taiteen lajit; taiteilijat, taiteilija työssään, työhuoneessaan, tasks performed by children, the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier; possible attributes: cross, crucifix, flaming heart, Indian, lily, torch, the labours of Adam and Eve; infancy of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-2), the mission of Triptolemus: he teaches agriculture to mankind, the prodigal son, suffering want, asks a farmer for work, the trick of the Gibeonites is found out; Joshua decrees that thenceforth they must be the servants of the Israelites, they must cut wood and carry water, with scenes showing human occupations ~ seasons and months, yhteiskunnalliset palvelut, infrastruktuuri
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