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MAO-käsite, käsite: kannu


liittyy Abraham provides Hagar and Ishmael with bread and a jug of water, Christ and the woman of Samaria: sitting at Jacob's well he asks her for a drink from her jug, Elisabeth, wife and widow of the king of Portugal, and Franciscan Tertiary; possible attributes: crown, roses, veil, wine-jar, Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece, Mars woos Rhea Silvia, who may be seen sleeping on the Tiber bank, with a water-jug beside her, St. Florian as protector against fire with a burning house, or throwing water from a pitcher or bucket over a burning house (or church), container of metal: bucket, can, canister, drum, tin, foodstuffs in other container, e.g.: barrel, can, cask, tin, etc., jar, jug (used as drinking-vessel), jug and basin; wash-basin, keramiikka- ja posliiniastiat: ruukku, kannu, tuoppi, vaasi jne., laver and pitcher, vessels for washing the hands of the priests, pitcher with manna, kept in the Ark of the Covenant, the attack on the Midianites: Gideon and his men blow their trumpets, break their pitchers, and hold their lamps, the meeting at the well: Eliezer sees Rebekah coming with a pitcher, the wife and widow of the Landgrave of Thuringia, and Franciscan Tertiary, Elisabeth of Hungary; possible attributes: beggar, cripple, fish, loaves, leper, model of church, pitcher, roses in lap, scald-head, three crowns, two disciples follow a man carrying a pitcher of water
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suppeampi käsite kastelukannut, kermakot, teekannut
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Liittyy kohteisiin

maalaus (5), museoesine (52)


Nature morte, f...

Hiuksiansa suor...


Äiti ja poika

creamer, kermak...

hopeakannu, juo...

kannu, kartionm...

coffee pot, kah...

kaffecervis, ka...

coffee pot, kah...

kerma-astia, ke...

creamer, kerma-...

kannu, keramiik...

creamer, grädds...

coffee-pot, kah...

creamer, kerma-...

kanna med lock,...

liitupiippu, pi...
kohteet aakkosjärjestyksessä (52)

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