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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana: nukkuminen


AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 43564
altLabel nukkuminen
date 13.11.2003
definedConcept Y5795, p26359
koodi 43564
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
liittyy Abraham falls asleep ~ sacrifice, Aeneas' fleet sails away; Hypnos puts Palinurus to sleep, who then falls overboard and is lost, Agamemnonin uni: Morfeus, Nestorin hahmossa, yllyttää häntä hyökkäämään, Alecto, in the guise of an old woman, approaches Turnus in his sleep and sets him against Aeneas, Alexander as ruler on his throne, holding an iron ball while sleeping, as symbol of the vigilance of a ruler, Anchises' spirit appears to Aeneas in his sleep, Christ in a boat with the apostles, talking or sleeping, Christ, usually holding a banner, arises from the grave; often combined with sleeping and/or frightened soldiers, Christ-child sleeping on the cross, Christ-child sleeping ~ Madonna-representations, David and Abishai invade Saul's encampment at night, while Saul and his soldiers are sleeping, Diana (Kuu, Luna) vierailee nukkuvan Endymionin luona, Dido's murdered husband, Sichaius (Sicharbas), appears to her in a dream, Elijah sits dejected under a juniper-tree and falls asleep, Eutychus falls out of the window while sleeping during Paul's preaching in Troas, Gideon overhears a Midianite telling about his dream of a cake of barley bread, God appears in a dream to Laban, God appears to Balaam in a dream, God appears to the prophet Balaam for the second time, God removes a rib from the side of the sleeping Adam, Hercules appears to Myscelus in a dream, and orders him to leave his country and to found a city in Italy, Hercules falls asleep after having slain Antaeus, and is attacked by a swarm of pygmies (Philostratus, Imagines II 22), Holofernes drinks too much, and falls asleep on the bed, House of Sleep: a gloomy cave through which runs the river Lethe; possibly with two gates, one of ivory through which deceptive dreams issue, and one of horn through which true dreams issue, Hymenaeus kills the pirates while they are asleep, Hypnos puts someone to sleep by dropping slumber from his horn, or by shaking a branch with Lethe's dew, Isis orders Telethusa in a dream to spare the life of her child, Jaakobin uni: nukkuessaan maassa kivi tyynynään Jaakob näkee unen tikapuista, jotka ulottuvat maasta taivaaseen ja joita pitkin enkelit kulkevat ylös ja alas; yleensä Jumala tikapuiden yläpäässä, Jaddus, the high priest of Jerusalem, appears in a dream to Alexander, Jael kills the sleeping Sisera by hitting the nail through his temples, John sleeping in an inn commands lice to leave him alone, Jonah, who is found sleeping in the ship's hold, is awakened, Joosef vankilassa (Genesis eli 1. Moos. 39:21-23, 40), Joosefin unet, Joseph worrying about Mary's pregnancy; annunciation to Joseph in a dream (Matthew 1:19:25), Jupiter, disguised as a satyr, approaches the sleeping Antiope; the eagle may be standing nearby, King Nebuchadnezzar's first dream, and its interpretation (Daniel 2), Lycaon is changed into a wolf when attempting to kill Jupiter, who is lying in bed, Lyncus changed into a lynx: Ceres changes Lyncus into a lynx when he is on the point of murdering the sleeping Triptolemus (Ovid, Metamorphoses V 657), Mars woos Rhea Silvia, who may be seen sleeping on the Tiber bank, with a water-jug beside her, Mercury lulls Argus into sleep by making music, Minerva appears to Nausicaa in a dream, Minerva appears to the sleeping Penelope and enhances her beauty, Minerva brings the bridle to Bellerophon in a dream, Mordecai remembers his dream and explains its content in the light of the events which have taken place (Esther 10:4-13), Morpheus, in the guise of Ceyx, informs Alcyone in a dream of Ceyx' fate, Neitsyt Marian kuolema, Neitsyt Marian kuolonuneen nukkuminen: Maria kuolinvuoteellaan; apostolit kerääntyneenä hänen ympärilleen (evankelista Johannes kuvattuna toisinaan nukkumassa tai uneksumassa), Nisus and Euryalus slay some of the enemies in their drunken sleep, Orion, while asleep, is blinded by Oenopion, Pariksen uni, Perseus goes to the three Graeae; while they are asleep he steals the one eye and the one tooth they share between them, Peter sleeping between two soldiers, Philip of Macedon asleep during a court-session, as a symbol of bad justice, Pilate's wife (or a messenger) warns him of a dream she had about Christ, Priapus creeps up to the resting Lotis (or Vesta) during a banquet of the gods, a braying ass stands nearby, Psyche falls asleep in a meadow; when she awakes she discovers Cupid's palace, Psyche, on her way back, opens Proserpina's casket and is overcome by sleep, Ruth uncovers the feet of the sleeping Boaz and lies down, Samson asleep in Delilah's lap; she is usually shown beckoning to a Philistine or putting a finger to her lips, Saul sleeps naked in the house of Samuel, Saul sleeps on the roof of Samuel's house, Scylla pulls out her father's purple (or golden) lock of hair while he is asleep, Solomon's dream: the Lord appears to him; Solomon prays for wisdom, Spargapises, Tomyris' son, is tricked by Cyrus into partaking of a feast; when his men appear to have been slaughtered by Cyrus in their drunken sleep, he kills himself, St. Alexis sitting or sleeping under the stairs of his father's house, as beggar or pilgrim, St. Benedict removing the gall stone from the body of St. Henry who lies asleep, St. Francis of Assisi dreams of a palace floating in the air, adorned with military banners, St. John the Evangelist appears to Galla Placidia in a dream and leaves behind his shoe, St. Mary Magdalene appearing in a dream ~ legend of St. Mary Magdalene and the Provençal prince, St. Nicholas frees three soldiers from prison by appearing to emperor Constantine in a dream; Constantine sends the three released men with gifts to St. Nicholas, St. Romuald dreams of a ladder ascending to heaven; monks of his order, clad in white, ascend the ladder, St. Servatius lying asleep in the sun while an eagle shades and fans him; perhaps Attila, king of the Huns, sees it, and is converted, Thetis, asleep on the shore, is assailed by Peleus; she tries to elude him by assuming different shapes, Tobit lies sleeping against a wall, Uriah sleeps at the door of David's palace, after Mercury has appeared again to the sleeping Aeneas, the Trojan fleet sails, agony of Christ; three (or eleven) apostles sleeping, an angel appearing to Joseph in a dream summons him to flee into Egypt, an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and admonishes him to return home, an angel appears to St. Ursula in a dream, and brings her the crown of martyrdom, an angel shows St. Peter Nolasco in a dream the Heavenly Jerusalem, death of Cleobis and Biton: they fall asleep never to reawaken, doves cover Horace the poet with myrtle, when as a little boy he falls asleep in the woods, dream of St. Martin: Christ appears to him, wearing the piece of cloak he had given to the beggar, epoch from Christ to the end of the world ~ sleeping, resting (eternal Sabbath), exhausted by the hunt, Peleus falls asleep and is robbed of his magic sword by Acastus, faaraon unet ~ kertomus Joosefista, herääminen, in Thrinacria Ulysses' men devour some of the cattle of the Sun-god while Ulysses is asleep, in a dream St. Jerome is whipped by angels after having been accused by God of preferring Cicero to the Bible: 'Ciceronianus es', incubus or succubus descending on sleeping person, having sexual intercourse, lamppua pitelevä Psykhe katselee nukkuvaa Amoria (Kupido, Eros), joka herää kun tippa kuumaa öljyä roiskahtaa lampusta hänen päälleen, lepo, nukkumaanmeno, nukkuminen; tajuttomuus, tiedottomuus, nukkuva Kupido (Amor); ilmentäen mahdollisesti Rakkauden vaikutuksen laimenemista, nukkuva Venus, nukkuva(t) eläin (eläimet), one of the two mothers sleeps on her child; the child dies ~ the judgement of Solomon, pelästyneet ja/tai nukkuvat sotilaat Kristuksen haudalla, pilgrims gather at the submarine chapel of St. Clement every year when the waters recede; a mother finds her child, left behind the previous year, safely asleep in the chapel, ...
luoja lkm, Suvi Kettula
nimi dream and sleep, nukkuminen, sömn, uni
prefLabel dream and sleep, sömn, uni
vastaa keyword174340211978, nukkuminen, nukkuminen, p26359, p8299, uni
yläluokka biologiset ilmiöt, oleminen

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