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MAO-käsite, käsite: kuulakärkikynä


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liittyy Augustine, bishop of Hippo; possible attributes: arrows piercing his breast, book, child with spoon, flaming heart, heart (pierced with arrows), pen, Markus evankelista, ja Aleksandrian piispa; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, (siivekäs) leijona, kynä ja musteastia, kirjakäärö, St. Ambrose as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study at his writing desk with book, pen and sometimes a dove (divine inspiration), St. Anselm on his throne with pen and book, St. Augustine as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study, at his writing-desk, with book, pen and sometimes a dove (divine inspiration), St. Gregory the Great as Doctor of the Latin Church, with book, pen, and dove (divine inspiration), St. Jerome as Doctor of the Latin Church in his study with book, pen and ink; lion and cardinal's hat beside him, St. Theresa at her writing-desk, with book and pen; she may be wearing a doctor's cap and chain; perhaps a dove (divine inspiration) hovers at her ear, apostoli ja evankelista Matteus; mahdolliset attribuutit: enkeli, kirves, kirja, pertuska, kynä ja musteastia, kukkaro, kirjakäärö, laskutaulu, miekka, mustekynä, kuulakärkikynä, sharpening pen (quill), the Benedictine monk Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury; possible attributes: book, pen, ship, the Carmelite friar and mystic John of the Cross; possible attributes: book, chains, cross, crucifix, eagle, lily, pen, the Dominican friar and bishop of Ratisbon Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus); possible attributes: book, doctor's cap, pen, the Franciscan monk Peter of Alcantara; possible attributes: book, crucifix, discipline, dove, pen and ink, skull, the Jesuit priest Peter Canisius; possible attributes: book, crucifix, IHS monogram, pen, skull, the lawyer Ivo (Yves) of Brittany; possible attributes: book, dove, pen and ink, scroll
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