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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite: viini



agcx wines
altLabel viini, vin
cc C60 elintarviketieteet
definedConcept Y6152, p8473
fte wines
kuvaus nuolikotelot
liittyy 'Vinalia', wine festival in honour of Jupiter, 'consecratio', bread and wine changed into the body and blood of Christ, 'kiddush', blessing the wine ~ Sabbath in synagogue, 'the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and the hills shall flow with milk' (Joel 3:18), 'wine is a mocker ...' ~ drunken brawl, David meets Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth, with asses loaded with bread, fruits and wine, David places the ark in a tent, burns offerings before the Lord and distributes bread, meat and wine to everyone, Mary tells Christ that there is no more wine ~ marriage-feast at Cana, Melchizedek, usually in front of an altar, offers bread and wine in a chalice, Nehemiah gives wine to the king; the king asks the cause of Nehemiah's sadness, Queen Cleophis submits to Alexander; she offers him a cup of wine, St. Benedict blesses a cup with poisoned wine; the cup breaks, St. Sebald meeting Willibald and Wunibald; he changes water into wine and stones into bread, St. Willibrord multiplies wine by putting his staff in the cask, Ulysses offers wine to Polyphemus, banquet of Mark Antony and Cleopatra: she dissolves a pearl in a cup of wine, which she then drinks, blessing the bread and the wine ~ Sabbath at home, blessing the wine and the spices ~ end of Jewish Sabbath, communion of the apostles: Christ giving bread (host) and/or wine to the (standing) apostles, institution of the Eucharist, i.e. Christ showing or blessing bread (host) and/or wine (Matthew 26:26-27; Mark 14:22-23; Luke 22:19-20; John 13:26; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25), objects turning into grain, wine, oil: when touched by Anius' daughters, objects turn into grain, wine and oil; a gift from Bacchus (Ovid, Metamorphoses XIII 650), offerings of bread and wine ~ Holy Mass, on arrival in Sicily, Anchises, standing on the quarter-deck, offers unwatered wine and invokes the gods, the Rechabites refuse the wine offered to them, the first guardsman says (writes) that wine is the strongest of all things ~ contest of the three guardsmen, the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek, the high priest and king of Salem, who brings bread and wine (Genesis 14:18-20), the miracle of the winecask: St. Remigius blesses an empty barrel and it is refilled with wine; sometimes the cask bursts and the wine floods the cellar, viininviljelys, water is changed into wine, when St. Homobonus refills his flask after having given away all his food and drink to a beggar, wine ~ alcoholic drinks, wine, the Precious Blood
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi viinet, viini, viinit, viner, wines
on sama kuin Viinit, p8473
prefLabel viinit, viner, wines
vastaa p4750, viinet, viini, viinit
yläluokka alkoholijuomat, pyyntivälineet

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