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käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, asiasana: ennustaminen


AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 43505
agcx forecasting
cc C10 yleiset
definedConcept Y986
fte forecasting, prediction
koodi 43505
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
laajempi käsite kansanusko
liittyy 'a man of God' from Judah comes to Bethel and prophesies to Jeroboam the destruction of the altar, 'auguuri' ~ Rooman uskonto, 'haruspex' ~ Roman religion, Ahab's chariot and his armour are washed in the pool of Samaria; the dogs lick up his blood, thus fulfilling Elijah's prophecy, Amos, the herdsman of Tekoa, prophesies at Bethel (Amos 1-2), Anchises foretells the history of Rome to Aeneas, Anna prophesying ~ presentation of the Christ-child, Apollo, god of prophecy, Azariah prophesies that Asa's work will be rewarded by God, Balaam prophesying and blessing the Israelites in the presence of King Balak and his chieftains, Balaam's final prophecies ~ the Israelites: 'star of Jacob', Caiaphas prophesying the passion of Christ, Cassandra prophesying, Christ foretelling his Passion (at various occasions) (Matthew 16:21, 17:22-23; Mark 8:32, 9:31; Luke 9:22, 9:44), Christ predicting the denial of Peter, Eldad and Medad prophesying, Elijah goes to Ahaziah and prophesies his death, Elijah sends a letter to Jehoram predicting his punishment, Elisha tells Joash to shoot an arrow through the window towards Syria and predicts that Joash will be victorious, Elisha tells Joash to strike the ground with arrows and predicts that he will have only three victories over the Syrians, Ezekiel's prophecies, Ezra commanded to write prophecies (2 Esdras 15:1-2), Glaucus rises from the sea and prophesies to the sailing Argonauts (Philostratus, Imagines II 15), Habakkuk's prophecies, Haggai's prophecies, Hananiah prophesies falsely in the temple and breaks Jeremiah's wooden yoke, Hosea's prophecies; Israel reproved and threatened for its impiety and idolatry (Hosea 4-14), Isaiah comes to King Hezekiah and prophesies that everything he owns will be carried off to Babylonia, Isaiah prophesying the retreat of the Assyrians, Isaiah's prophecies, Jeremiah curses Pashur and prophesies the Babylonian Captivity, Jeremiah dictates a second scroll to Baruch, Jeremiah dictates his prophecies to Baruch, Jeremiah preaching and prophesying in the temple court, Jeremiah prophesies the captivity in Babylon to Jehoiachin (Jeremiah 22:24-28), Jeremiah prophesies the death of Jehoiakim (Jeremiah 36:30-32, 22:13-19), Jeremiah prophesies the defeat of Egypt (Jeremiah 43:8-13, 46), Jeremiah prophesies the destruction of Babylon (Jeremiah 50-51), Jeremiah prophesies the destruction of the Philistines (Jeremiah 47), Jeremiah prophesies the destruction of the other nations (Jeremiah 48-49), Jeremiah prophesies the future restoration of Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 30-31), Jeremiah prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem, Jeremiah's prophecy of the fall and destruction of Judah; Jeremiah's parables, Jeroboam's wife in disguise visits the old and blind Ahijah, but he, having been warned by God, recognizes her; he predicts the death of her son and Israel's punishment for Jeroboam's sin, Joel's prophecies, Joosef pitelee ennustus-maljaansa ja ilmoittaa veljien nimet ja iät, King Hezekiah falls ill and is visited by Isaiah, who tells him to get ready to die; Hezekiah turns his face to the wall, prays and then cries, King Jehoram goes to Elisha who prophesies plenty, Malachi's prophecies, Manasseh practices magic and divination, Mary appears to Elijah: the prophetic cloud, Micah's prophecies, Moses predicting the death of the first-born, Nahum's prophecies, Obadiah prophesying at Edom, Obadiah's prophecies, Ocyroe (as yet not metamorphosed) prophesies the fate of the young Aesculapius and of Chiron, her father, Orfeuksen pää profetoi kunnes Apollo vaientaa sen, Prediction, Prophecy; 'Augurio', 'Divinatione', 'Profetia' (Ripa), Romulus and Remus look for an omen from the flight of birds (auspices); Remus sees six vultures, Romulus twelve, Saul prophesies before Samuel, Saul prophesies with the prophets, Saul's messengers begin to prophesy before Samuel, Sextus Pompeius consults the Thessalian witch Erichto, who lashes a corpse with serpents so that it may foretell the outcome of the battle of Pharsalia, Shemaiah's prophecy, St. John the Evangelist appears to English pilgrims in Palestine, gives them St. Edward's ring, and foretells them the king's approaching end, Tages teaches the science of augury and divination to the Etruscan tribes, Tiresias predicting, Tiresias predicting the fate of Thebes, Ulysses and the ghost of Tiresias, who tells him about the future, Zechariah's prophecies, Zephaniah's prophecies, a prophet predicts Ahab's victory, about four hundred prophets are called in: they all predict victory to King Jehosaphat and King Ahab, who are seated on their thrones in their royal robes outside the gate of Samaria; the prophet Zedekiah exhibits some iron horns, after Agab's prediction of a great famine, Saul (Paul) and Barnabas bring gifts gathered in Antioch to the congregation in Jerusalem (Acts 11:27-30), astrologia, death of Calchas: when Mopsus and Calchas try their skill in divination, Calchas is beaten by Mopsus and dies of grief, divination games, fortune-telling games, ennustaja ~ markkinat ja sirkus, ennustajat, ennustaminen ~ magiikka, ennustukset, ennusuni, profeetallinen uni, enteet, horns growing on Cipus' head: when horns grow upon his head, Cipus, the Roman praetor, consults a diviner and is told that he must be king; but rather than destroy the Republican constitution he banishes himself (Ovid, Metamorphoses XV 565), horoskooppi, kansanusko, legend of the robbers; Titus and Dumachus hold up the Holy Family at night; Christ prophesies they will be crucified with him, prophecy of Jehu: Baasha and his family are warned by the prophet that they have aroused God's anger, prophetic passages in the book of Daniel, sacrifice to Jupiter and Apollo: a snake swallows a nest of eight young birds and their mother; the augur Calchas explains the portent, selvänäkö, sibyllat, signs in nature and in the sky prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 21:25), the Harpy Celaeno foretells the future to Aeneas and his crew, the Israelites camp in two groups facing the Syrians (they look like two small flocks of kids compared with the Syrians); a prophet predicts Israel's victory, the Trojans eat cakes of bread which they have used as platters; thus fulfilling the Harpy's prophecy; they hail their new fatherland, the arrest of Paul in Jerusalem is foretold by Agabus, who binds his own hands and feet with Paul's girdle, the arrival of Aeneas at Cumae, where they consult Deiphobe, the Cumaean Sibyl, who foretells of Aeneas' wars in Latium, the healing of the woman servant with a divining spirit ~ Paul and Silas at Philippi, the prophecies of Baruch, ...
lisätiedot 1) esittää arvio tulevaisuudesta, laatia ennuste, povata; 2) olla enteenä jostakin tulevasta
nimi ennustaminen, foretelling, spådomskonst
on sama kuin Ennustaminen
prefLabel ennustaminen, foretelling, spådomskonst
sta2 vapaa
suppeampi käsite korteista ennustaminen, kädestä ennustaminen
vastaa ennustaminen, ennustaminen, keyword174340237323, p6090
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