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käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: onnettomuudet


Sudden calamitous events producing great material damage, loss, or distress.

AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 43107
cc C80 ymparistonsuojelu
definedConcept Y3709
fte accidents, disasters
id 300182939
koodi 43107
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Sudden calamitous events producing great material damage, loss, or distress.
laajempi käsite tapahtumat
liittyy Aedon, envious of Niobe's numerous children, tries to kill the eldest, but by mistake kills her own son Itylus, Aeneas' fleet sails away; Hypnos puts Palinurus to sleep, who then falls overboard and is lost, Calamity, Distress; 'Calamità', 'Calamità o miseria' (Ripa), Chiron is accidentally wounded during Hercules' visit to Chiron and the young Achilles, Circumstance, Accident, Eleazar, brother of Judas Maccabeus, kills an elephant of war and is killed himself when the elephant falls on him, Epäonni, Onnettomuus, Huono Onni; 'Fortuna infelice', 'Infortunio' (Ripa), Hercules and the carter whose carriage, yoked to a pair of oxen, had turned over (Aesop), Hyacinthus' blood changed into a hyacinth: when Hyacinthus is accidentally killed by Apollo with a discus, the god changes his blood into a hyacinth, Kupidon (Amorin) kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, Minerva inadvertently kills her girlfriend Pallas, daughter of Triton, while practising warlike exercises with her, Panin kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, Perseus accidentally kills Acrisius, his grandfather, during a discus-throwing contest, Pirene changed into a fountain: when pining away for the loss of her son Cenchreus, who inadvertently had been killed by Diana, Pirene is changed into a fountain on Mount Helicon, Taivaan alemmat jumaluudet ~ kohtalo, vastoinkäyminen, Unhappiness; 'Infelicità' (Ripa), Venus fortuitously grazed by Cupid's arrow (possibly combined with the story of Adonis), Vulcan attempts to violate Minerva; Gaea is accidentally fertilized, accident (sports ~ animals), accident on snow or ice, accident with animal-drawn vehicle, accident with horse (or kindred animal), accident ~ scientific research, accident, collision, crash ~ traffic and transport, accidental destruction, failing of production, accidents with lightning, air-crash, air disaster, flying-accident, averting a catastrophe, death of Hippolytus: he is killed when the horses that draw his chariot bolt at the sight of a bull-shaped monster, death of Hyacinthus: he is struck by a discus thrown by Apollo; possibly through jealousy of Zephyrus, who blows just as Apollo hurls the discus, death of Pliny the Elder during the eruption of Vesuvius, ei-kristilliset uskonnot, going through the ice ~ playing children, gunpowder disaster, klassinen historia, klassinen mytologia ja antiikin historia, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus, liikenneonnettomuus moottoriajoneuvolla, little household accidents, messengers present themselves to Job, each reporting a new disaster, misfortune brings Manasseh back to the true God, naispuoliset pyhimykset, one of Trajan's soldiers inadvertently kills the little son of a widow, onnettomuus merellä (tai järvellä); sairaus ja kuolema merellä (järvellä), pyhimykset, railway-accident, suffering, misfortune of Aesculapius, suffering, misfortune of Apollo, suffering, misfortune of Atlas, suffering, misfortune of Chiron, suffering, misfortune of Hypnos, suffering, misfortune of Juno, suffering, misfortune of Jupiter, suffering, misfortune of Peneus, suffering, misfortune of Pholus, suffering, misfortune of Prometheus, suffering, misfortune of Saturn, suffering, misfortune of Silenus, suffering, misfortune of Venus, suffering, misfortune of the Hyades, suffering, misfortune of the Muses, suffering, misfortune of the Pleiades, tapaturma, vahinko (urheilussa, pelissä jne.), tapaturmainen kuolema (ei-väkivaltainen kuolema), tapaturmainen kuolema, joka aiheutuu ei-toivotuista virheistä ihmisen toiminnassa, esim. liikenteessä, työssä jne., tapaturmat, the Aloeids accidentally kill each other when Diana darts between them in the form of a white doe, the Argonauts kill Cyzicus and his men, by accident, in the dark, the Syrians attack King Jehoshaphat, whom they presume to be king of Israel, until they realize their mistake; a Syrian soldier accidentally shoots an arrow which strikes Ahab, the seven angels with the seven vials, bringing disasters and destruction upon the earth and mankind, the three Babylonian youths Ananias (Shedrach), Azarias (Abed-nego), Misael (Mesach) invoked in distress, and for resurrections
nimi disasters, olyckor, onnettomuudet, onnettomuus
prefLabel disasters, olyckor, onnettomuudet
rtx vahingot
suppeampi käsite haaksirikko, hukkuminen, kaivosonnettomuudet, katastrofit, kemikaalionnettomuudet, lento-onnettomuudet, liikenneonnettomuudet, luonnononnettomuudet, metsäpalo, räjähdysonnettomuudet, suuronnettomuudet, tulipalot, ympäristöonnettomuudet
vastaa keyword174340316905, onnettomuudet, onnettomuudet, onnettomuus, p300182939, p3422
yläluokka spontaani tapahtuma

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