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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite: pallot


date 27.10.2003
definedConcept Y9054
liittyy (ball of) yarn, Alexander as ruler on his throne, holding an iron ball while sleeping, as symbol of the vigilance of a ruler, Ariadne gives Theseus a ball of thread, Atlas supporting the heavens on his shoulders, Cupid playing dice with Ganymede; Venus bribes him with a beautiful ball into shooting a dart at Medea, Hercules carries the heavens on his shoulders, Kupidon (Amorin) attribuutit (NIMEN kanssa), St. Benedict's vision of the fiery globe (sometimes carried by angels), St. Francis of Assisi as protector against the plague: Christ (or a plague angel) is seen brandishing arrows from heaven; Francis protects the earth (in the form of a globe), the Virgin Mary intercedes, Theseus, with the ball of thread, finds his way into the Labyrinth, armillary sphere, skeleton celestial globe, ball games (children's games), globe, kristallipallosta ennustaminen, pallo ~ stereometria, requirements, necessaries ~ sports and games: ball, shot-putting, star-globe, the bishop Nicholas of Myra (or Bari); possible attributes: anchor, boat, three golden balls (on a book), three purses, three children in a tub, three maidens, the charity of Nicholas: (dressed as a citizen) he throws three golden balls (or purses) through the window of the house of a poor nobleman; he thus prevents the three nobleman's daughters, who are shown weeping or sleeping, from prostitution, the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola; possible attributes: book (with 'ad majorem Dei gloriam'), demon, dragon under feet, flames, flaming heart, globe, IHS monogram, skull (with crown), tears in eyes, torch, while celebrating mass, St. Vincent de Paul sees a fiery globe ascend to heaven and unite with another one (the souls of Jane Frances of Chantal and Francis of Sales)
luoja Suvi Kettula
nimi balls, bollar, pallo, pallot
prefLabel balls, bollar, pallot
vastaa p13574, pallo, pallot
yläluokka leikkikalut, liikuntavälineet

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