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liittyy 'Hanukkah dreidel', children playing with a top at 'Hanukkah', 'motherly care', delousing, 'offrande au maître'; presentation of children at witches' sabbath, 'paidogeron', i.e. child or youth with beard or other sign of old age, (Joachim and Anna with) the baby Mary, (children or putti) blowing bubbles, 'Homo Bulla' ~ scene symbolizing 'Vanitas', (personifications of the) planets with their 'children', so-called 'Planetenkinder', Abijah, Jeroboam's son, falls ill, Acrisius puts Danae and Perseus, her child by Jupiter, in a chest and casts it into the sea, Alcon shoots the serpent that was coiling around his son, without harming the child, Apollo ja Diana surmaavat Nioben lapset, Arsinoe's two sons by Lysimachus are murdered in their mother's arms, Astyanax is hurled down from the battlements of Troy, Astyanax is snatched away from Andromache, Athamas with his children by Nephele, Phrixus and Helle, before the priest, Augustine, bishop of Hippo; possible attributes: arrows piercing his breast, book, child with spoon, flaming heart, heart (pierced with arrows), pen, Bacchuksen varhaisnuoruus, Callisto with her child (Arcas), beheld by the jealous Juno, Charity, 'Caritas'; 'Carità' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological Virtues, Christ calls a child and sets it in the midst of the apostles (disciples): 'unless you ... become like children', Constantine announces to the mothers that he will not bathe in the blood of their innocent children to cure his leprosy, Danae and Perseus, borne to the island of Seriphos, are found by Dictys, who was fishing there, David's child falls ill, Death as child, Dionysus-Zagreus is torn to pieces, or possibly boiled in a cauldron, Elijah restores the child of the widow of Zarephath to life, Elisabeth, Johannes Kastajan äiti; mahdolliset attribuutit: Johannes Kastaja lapsena, Eve suckling Abel; Cain turns aside, i.e. the jealousy of Cain, Hercules kills his wife Megara and his children, Hosea, Gomer and the three children (Hosea 1:3-11), Isaac's children (Esau and Jacob) (Genesis 25:19-34), Jacob's children (Genesis 29:31 - 30:24), Jacob's wives and children are introduced to Esau, Jason's mother, pretending the child is still-born, smuggles him out of the city to Chiron, Job offers a sacrifice to purify his children, Job's children, seven sons and three daughters, John of God of Granada, the founder of the order of the Brothers Hospitallers; possible attributes: beggars, child, collecting-box, crown of thorns, crucifix, pomegranate (with cross), sick people, John the Baptist as child ~ Madonna-representations (N.B. secondary notation only), Julius Sabinus, a Batavian chieftain, is dragged before Vespasian; his wife Eponina tries in vain to raise the emperor's pity by showing him their twins, King Jehoram, when walking on the city wall, is met by a mother who tells him that her child has been eaten at the suggestion of another woman, and that the woman is now hiding her own child to prevent it from being eaten also, Kristus opettaa naisia ja lapsia, Kristus siunaa lapsia, yleensä jonkun opetuslapsen seuratessa paheksuen tapahtumaa (Matt. 19:13-15; Mark. 10:13-16; Luuk. 18:15-17), Kupidon (Cupidon), Amorin (Eroksen) varhaisnuoruus, Leonidas, King of Sparta, denounces his son-in-law Cleombrotus, who is sheltering in the temple of Neptune, of usurping the kingdom; Chilonis, holding her child, begs her father for mercy, Marcus Furius Camillus has the schoolmaster of Falerii chastised by his pupils: he is stripped and the children drive him back to their city with sticks, Mary as child, Mary saving a child that was dedicated to the devil, Medea kills her two children; she flees from Corinth in a chariot drawn by winged dragons, Metabus, Camilla's father, with the enemy almost upon him, throws the baby Camilla, lashed on his spear, over the river Amasenus and invokes Diana's help, Moses and Pharaoh's crown: Pharaoh playfully places his crown on the head of the infant Moses, who throws it to the ground and tramples on it; or Moses breaks the crown while playing, Moses orders the death of the mature Midianite women and their male children after the victory of the Israelites over the Midianites, Moses' mother suckling her child, Potiphar's wife catches Joseph by his robe, usually while lying in bed; Joseph escapes leaving his cloak behind in her hands (possibly with a naked child lying in a crib), Psammetichus' experiment on the antiquity of language: he has two children confined and entrusted to the care of shepherds who are ordered not to speak to them, Rachel weeping for her children, Salomon tuomio (Ensimmäinen Kuninkaiden kirja 3:16-28), Saturn devouring his children, St. Ambrose, when addressing a crowd, is elected bishop by a child crying out: 'Ambrosius episcopus!', St. Augustine walking by the sea-shore, meditating on the Trinity; he comes upon a child, who has made a hole in the sand and in vain tries to fill it with water with the aid of a shell or a spoon, St. Benedict raising from the dead the child of a gardener, St. Cassian's pupils kill him with their iron styles, St. Charles Borromeo working among the plague-stricken of Milan (sometimes with a child in his arms), St. Felix of Cantalice receives a loaf from a mysterious child who blesses him, and then vanishes, St. Francis of Assisi heals the child St. Bonaventura, St. Francis of Paola raising a child from the dead, St. Hilary of Poitiers raising a child from the dead, St. Hugh of Lincoln raising a child from the dead, St. Hyacinth raises a drowned child from the dead, St. John Chrysostom as a hermit doing penance in the wilderness, crawling on all fours; a naked woman with a little child present (sometimes she suckles it), St. Nicholas restores to life three children who had been murdered, dismembered, and salted down in a pickling tub by an inn-keeper, St. Thomas of Villanueva as a child gives his clothes to the poor, Syrian messengers demand the surrender of Ahab's gold, silver, women and children; Ahab agrees, Tobit and Anna with their son Tobias, a child holding a pomegranate appears to St. John of God, a child is killed and cut to pieces by an insane mother, before the father and St. Vincent Ferrer; Vincent raises the child from the dead, abstract concept represented by child, adults behaving like children, all the Midianite men, including their five kings and Balaam, are killed; the women, children and animals are captured, and the cities are burnt, anonymous historical person portrayed, as Esau, usually represented as a soldier, approaches with four hundred men, Jacob divides the children among his wives, blessing of the children by the father of the family ~ Sabbath, child as scholar or scientist, child teaching teacher, parents, or other adults, child torn away from its mother, children behaving like adults, children's Hosanna in the temple, death of Hasdrubal's wife: she throws herself and her two children into the flames of the temple of Aesculapius, which she had set on fire, to show her contempt at her husband's surrender to Scipio, death of T. Jubellius Taurea: he courageously kills his wife and children, and finally himself, before the tribunal of Fulvius Flaccus, to show that he prefers to die rather than benefit from the clemency of the Senate, death of a child, death of the Cimbrian women: standing at their waggons they kill their families and themselves, to escape falling into the hands of the Roman soldiers, deathbed of St. Philip Benizzi: Servite friars surround him, and a child is miraculously raised from the dead, devil demanding payment of the 'debt', e.g. devil carrying off a child promised to him by a pact, distribution of sweets to the children ~ 'Simhat Torah', during a visit of Hercules, young Theseus attacks Hercules' lion's skin with an axe, although all the other children are scared of it, early life, prime youth of Aesculapius, early life, prime youth of Apollo, early life, prime youth of Juno, early life, prime youth of Jupiter, early life, prime youth of Mercury, early life, prime youth of Minerva, early life, prime youth of Neptune, ...
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