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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: laivat


Use for watercraft generally larger and more seaworthy than boats; usually propelled by sails or engines.

AAT-näkymä Paikka, miljöö
Kaunokki-tunnus 43874
altLabel matkustajalaivat, passagerarfartyg, skepp
definedConcept Y2633
id 300082981
koodi 43874
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus , Use for watercraft generally larger and more seaworthy than boats; usually propelled by sails or engines.
laajempi käsite vesikulkuneuvot, watercraft by general type
liittyy (military) training ship, (playing with) boats, Aesculapius transforms himself into a serpent (or dragon) and leaves Epidaurus by ship, Alcyone bids Ceyx farewell and stares at the departing ship, Argonauttien taru: Kultaisen Taljan etsintä, Christ and Paul on a boat: 'Quo vadis', Christ in Peter's boat preaching to the people, Christ in a boat with the apostles, talking or sleeping, Christ praying on the mountain: the disciples waiting in a boat, Christ preaching from a boat, Cupid using his weapons as a boat; 'Navis Amoris', Evander arrives in Italy with his mother Carmenta (Carmentis) who stays the steersman's hand and hails the gods, Glaucus rises from the sea and prophesies to the sailing Argonauts (Philostratus, Imagines II 15), Herod has the ships in the harbour of Tarsus burned, Human Life represented by a ship, Mary Magdalene, Martha and Lazarus, with other companions, are set in a boat without sails, oars or rudder (expulsion from Judea), Menelaus' ship caught in a storm, Paul speaks to the men on the ship, and breaks the bread, Polyphemus hurls a rock at Ulysses' departing ships, Protesilaus, who leaps ashore first, is killed by Hector, Pyhä Julianus (Julian(us) Hospitator); mahdolliset attribuutit: vene, kirja, koira, metsästyshaukka, airo, uroshirvi, miekka, St. Clement is thrown off a cliff (or from a boat) into the sea with an anchor (or a millstone) tied to his neck, St. John Nepomuk as patron of sailors (in a ship), St. Nicholas appears to pilgrims who had received a flask of oil from the devil (or Diana) disguised as a pious woman; they pour the oil into the sea whereupon it bursts into flames, St. Nicholas of Tolentino saving a ship from shipwreck, St. Nicholas, invoked by sailors whose boat is sinking, appears in the sky and calms the waves, St. Peter Nolasco, set off by pirates in a ship without a rudder, makes a sail of his cloak and lands in Sevilla, St. Ursula and her companions travelling by boat on the Rhine, St. Vitus, together with his tutor Modestus and his nurse Crescentia, escapes from his father's wrath in a boat steered by an angel, St. Walburga, crossing the sea with her nuns, calms down a storm raised by the devil, thus saving the ship, Tenes, who hurls a rock on the ships, is killed by Achilles, Theseus' ship, with black sails, approaches Athens; Aegeus casts himself into the sea, Thomas' journey to India by ship, Tyrrhenian sailors changed into dolphins: when Bacchus turns himself into a lion and has a vine grow about the ship, the Tyrrhenian sailors out of terror jump into the sea, and are metamorphosed into dolphins (Ovid, Metamorphoses III 662), Tyrus as a wealthy ship, being shipwrecked ~ Ezekiel's prophecies, Ulysses comes to the land of the Laestrygones, the cannibal giants, who devour some of Ulysses' comrades and destroy their ships (Homer, Odyssey X), Ulysses' ship is destroyed by Jupiter's lightning; only Ulysses gets off, and is safely carried back to Charybdis on the mast, Ulysses, tied to the mast of his ship, passes the Sirens, after having forced Apollo (Sol) to give up his golden goblet, Hercules uses it as a boat to cross the ocean, after his victory over the Carthaginians at Mylae, Duilius is honoured with a naval triumph, apostoli Pietari, Rooman ensimmäinen piispa; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kukko, (ylösalaisin oleva) risti, (kolminainen) piispansauva, kala, avain, kirjakäärö, laiva, paavin tiaara, appearance of Christ at the Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee, Sea of Tiberias): miraculous draught of fishes (after the Resurrection), arrival of Agamemnon and Cassandra in Mycenae, arrival of the Provençal prince and his wife in Marseilles, bacchanal of the inhabitants of the island of Andros, with Bacchus arriving in his ship (Philostratus, Imagines I 25), boat propelled by man or animal, calling of Peter and Andrew; they are called away from their fishing-boat (Matthew 4:18-20; Mark 1:16-18), death of Hippo: upon being ravished, she kills herself by jumping from the ship, death of Pompey: after leaving his galley, Pompey is murdered in the boat sent to bring him ashore, death of Scylla: Minos fastens her to the stern of his ship, during a famine at Myra, St. Nicholas miraculously multiplies the number of corn-sacks, unloaded from boats in the harbour, during the siege of Syracuse Archimedes sets the ships of the enemy on fire with his mirrors, flight of St. Dympna with the priest Gerebernus in a boat, harbouring, ice-boat, kertomus Aeneaksen vaelluksesta Italiaan (Vergilius, Aeneis), laiva (yleensä), laivanrakennus, rakenteilla oleva laiva, lautat, lossit, many Greek ships, returning after the fall of Troy, wreck on the Euboean coast because Nauplius has lit false beacons, merivoimat, laivasto, motorboat racing, paarlastit, parts of church interior (with NAME), pelastusvene, perinnelaivat, pilgrimage of the Provençal prince and his wife by boat, pirate(ship), ship of fools, ship of the dead, the Benedictine monk Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury; possible attributes: book, pen, ship, the Greeks rush to their ships; Ulysses and Minerva prevent the army from withdrawing, the Phaeacian ship, on its return journey, is turned into stone by Neptune, the Provençal prince leaving Jerusalem and returning to Marseilles by boat, the Vestal virgin Claudia Quinta gives proof of her chastity by towing with her girdle a boat that conveys a statue of Cybele, the abduction of Helen and some of her companions: Paris carries them off by sea, and takes a part of the palace-treasure with him, the battle among the ships; Ajax and Teucer defend the vessels against the Trojans who try to set them on fire, the bishop Nicholas of Myra (or Bari); possible attributes: anchor, boat, three golden balls (on a book), three purses, three children in a tub, three maidens, the deacon and martyr Vincent of Saragossa (or Valencia); possible attributes: book, bunch of grapes, dalmatic, gridiron (with spikes), millstone, raven, ship, the martyr Erasmus (Elmo), bishop of Formiae; possible attributes: boat, capstan, carpenter's nails under fingernails, cauldron, windlass with entrails, the nymphs of Calypso set Telemachus' ship on fire, the rescue of Cleopatra's sister Arsinoe from the tower in which she was kept prisoner: she escapes naked, with the assistance of Ganymede, who awaits her in a boat, the return journey of St. Ursula by boat, with pope Ciriacus and cardinals, the saints Mark, George and Nicholas rescue Venice from a flood by exorcizing devil(s) from a boat during a storm; a fisherman is presented with Mark's ring, the sea voyage of St. Eustace and his family: since he has no money, the captain of the boat seizes his wife (Theospita or Theopista) by way of payment, the virgin martyr Ursula of Cologne; possible attributes: arrow, banner with red cross, cloak of ermine, crown, ship, veneet, wandering communities living in boats, while Ulysses is asleep, his companions open the bag; contrary winds rush out, yleiset julkiset juhlat
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi fartyg, laiva, laivat, ships
prefLabel fartyg, laivat, ships
suppeampi käsite asuntolaiva, hinaajat, höyrylaivat, ilmatyynyalukset, jäänmurtajat, kalastusalukset, kauppalaivat, kelirikkoalukset, koululaivat, kuljetusalukset, luotsialukset, majakkalaiva, matkustajalaivat, merenkulkulaitoksen alukset, merentutkimusalukset, museolaivat, pelastusalukset, purjelaivat, puulaivat, rahtilaivat, rajavartiolaitoksen alukset, rannikkovartioston alukset, ruoppaajat, sota-alukset, säiliöalukset, tarkastusalukset, troolarit, vartiolaivat, yhteysalukset, öljyntorjunta-alukset
vastaa keyword174340357365, laiva, laivat, laivat, p300082981, p4911
yläluokka vesikulkuneuvot

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