luokka, MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: nauhat
Narrow strips of closely woven cloth across the back of a book to which the sections are sewn. Distinguished from "thongs (binding components)" which are narrow strips of rawhide or processed animal skin that served the same purpose early in the development of flexible sewing, and "cords (binding components)" which are twisted strands of fibrous material that replaced thongs by the latter part of the 16th century.
altLabel | snören |
definedConcept | Y3540 |
id | 300253099 |
kuvaus | Narrow strips of closely woven cloth across the back of a book to which the sections are sewn. Distinguished from "thongs (binding components)" which are narrow strips of rawhide or processed animal skin that served the same purpose early in the development of flexible sewing, and "cords (binding components)" which are twisted strands of fibrous material that replaced thongs by the latter part of the 16th century., kudos |
laajempi käsite | binding components, käsityöt |
liittyy | 'Torah Wimpel', band or cloth used at circumcision, Birgittalaisjärjestön perustaja, leski Birgitta Ruotsista; mahdolliset attribuutit: hunnun päällä kulkeva nauha, jossa viisi punaista pilkkua, kirja, kynttilä, sydän ristin kanssa, musteastia, pyhiinvaeltajan hattu, matkasauva, laukku, band ornament, border, ribbon, braid, nyörit, punokset, ribbon, scroll, banderole ~ ornament, viitelöinti |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | band -- snoddar, nauha, nauhat, tapes |
prefLabel | band -- snoddar, nauhat, tapes |
related to | cords, tape, thongs |
suppeampi käsite | kanttinauhat, kengännauhat, koristenauha, kuminauhat, lautanauhat, nauhat : viitelöinti, peukaloidut nauhat, pirtanauhat, ripsinauhat, ristikkonauhat, silkkinauhat, sukkanauhat, tarranauhat |
vastaa | nauha, nauhat, nauhat, p2218, p300253099 |
yläluokka | käsityöt, tekstiilit olomuodon mukaan, tekstiilit olomuodon mukaan |