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MAO-käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite: tavaramerkit


The names, symbols, figures, letters, words, or other marks adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant in order to designate his goods and to distinguish them from any others; usually registered with a governmental agency to assure its use exclusively by the owner of the mark. For devices similarly used but identifying services rather than products, use "service marks." For specific graphic images derived from trademarks, use "logotypes" or "logos."

KT tuotemerkit
agcx trade marks
altLabel produktmärken, produktnamn, tuotemerkit, tuotenimet
cc C60 elintarviketieteet, C70 kotitalous
definedConcept Y5242
fte brands, trade marks, trademarks
id 300028776
kuvaus , The names, symbols, figures, letters, words, or other marks adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant in order to designate his goods and to distinguish them from any others; usually registered with a governmental agency to assure its use exclusively by the owner of the mark. For devices similarly used but identifying services rather than products, use "service marks." For specific graphic images derived from trademarks, use "logotypes" or "logos."
laajempi käsite identifying markings and symbols, käyttögrafiikka
liittyy brandit, käyttögrafiikka, liikemerkit, mallioikeus, merkkitavarat, patentointi, tekijänoikeus, tunnukset, tunnusmerkit
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi tavaramerkit, trademarks, varumärken
prefLabel tavaramerkit, trademarks, varumärken
rtx tavarakoodit, tuotemerkit, tuoteselosteet
source Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#tavaramerkit
ufx tuotemerkit
vastaa p1488, p300028776, tavaramerkit, tavaramerkit, tavaramerkit, tavaramerkit
yläluokka merkit

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