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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: kevät


The season between winter and summer during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive American Heritage Dictionary (2000)

AAT-näkymä Aika
Kaunokki-tunnus 44365
date 18.11.2003
definedConcept Y8344
id 300133097
koodi 44365
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus The season between winter and summer during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive American Heritage Dictionary (2000)
laajempi käsite vuodenajat
liittyy kesä, kevät; 'Primavera' (Ripa), spring landscape; landscape symbolizing spring (the four seasons of the year), spring ~ human activities (the four seasons of the year), spring ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (the four seasons of the year), still life symbolizing spring (the four seasons of the year), syksy, talvi, vernal equinox, vernal festivities, spring celebrations, with planets and zodiacal signs of the spring season, with signs or personifications of the planets of the spring season, with zodiacal signs of the spring season, zodiacal signs of the spring season
luoja Suvi Kettula
nimi kevät, spring, vår
prefLabel kevät, spring, vår
vastaa kevat, kevat, keyword174341254292, p17453, p300133097
yläluokka vuodenajat

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