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YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AAT-käsite: arte povera


Refers to the Italian art movement of the 1970s that was analogous to the Minimalist and Conceptual Art movement in North America. The style is characterized by the use of intentionally humble and worthless materials, and artistic expression through happenings and installations, with often obscure or conflicting meanings.

definedConcept Y21174
id 300047851
kuvaus Refers to the Italian art movement of the 1970s that was analogous to the Minimalist and Conceptual Art movement in North America. The style is characterized by the use of intentionally humble and worthless materials, and artistic expression through happenings and installations, with often obscure or conflicting meanings.
laajempi käsite post-1945 fine arts styles and movements
liittyy junk art
lisätiedot Alunperin oli ST tyylit, mutta tästä seurasi hierarkiaan sykli.
nimi Arte Povera, arte povera, arte povera, arte povera
on sama kuin p300047851
prefLabel arte povera, arte povera, arte povera
related to happening, installations
source Taideteollisuuden asiasanasto#arte povera
vastaa arte povera, p16166
yläluokka taiteen_tyylit, tyylit

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