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MAO-käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AAT-käsite: logot


Devices that are specifically symbol- or picture based, designed for ready recognition to identify a product, company, or organization and sometimes used as trademarks. For those graphic images similarly used but more word- or letter-based, see "logotypes." For devices in any form that specifically identify a person or object as belonging to a group or organization, sometimes denoting rank or office, see "insignia."

definedConcept Y8837
id 300028715
kuvaus , Devices that are specifically symbol- or picture based, designed for ready recognition to identify a product, company, or organization and sometimes used as trademarks. For those graphic images similarly used but more word- or letter-based, see "logotypes." For devices in any form that specifically identify a person or object as belonging to a group or organization, sometimes denoting rank or office, see "insignia."
laajempi käsite käyttögrafiikka, laitteet
liittyy käyttögrafiikka, liikemerkit, tunnukset, yritysgrafiikka
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi logos, logot, logotyper
on sama kuin Logot
prefLabel logos, logot, logotyper
vastaa logot, logot, logot, p300028715, p3737
yläluokka kulttuuriset tuotokset

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