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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: pluralismi


Philosophical theory that recognizes more than one ultimate reality or value, each capable of rational support and all appropriately included as options for individual choice. For the cultural movement promoting the full participation of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups within the larger community, use "multiculturalism."

altLabel moniarvoisuus
definedConcept Y9868
id 300233660
kuvaus Philosophical theory that recognizes more than one ultimate reality or value, each capable of rational support and all appropriately included as options for individual choice. For the cultural movement promoting the full participation of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups within the larger community, use "multiculturalism."
laajempi käsite philosophical movements and attitudes
liittyy arvot, dualismi, monismi
nimi pluralism, pluralism, pluralismi
on sama kuin Pluralismi
prefLabel pluralism, pluralism, pluralismi
related to monikulttuurisuus
vastaa p14209, p300233660
yläluokka teoriat

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