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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: determinismi


Doctrine that all acts of will result from causes which determine them either in such a manner that people have no alternative course of action, or that the will is still free in the sense of being uncompelled. Determinism holds that all behaviors and events are determined by God or by the laws of the universe before they occur. Determinism takes different forms in religions, but the basic issue is how to reconcile the omnipotence of God or the inevitable effects of karma with the freedom and resposibility of a individual person.

definedConcept Y6974
id 300055959
kuvaus Doctrine that all acts of will result from causes which determine them either in such a manner that people have no alternative course of action, or that the will is still free in the sense of being uncompelled. Determinism holds that all behaviors and events are determined by God or by the laws of the universe before they occur. Determinism takes different forms in religions, but the basic issue is how to reconcile the omnipotence of God or the inevitable effects of karma with the freedom and resposibility of a individual person.
laajempi käsite philosophical movements and attitudes
liittyy fatalismi, sattuma
lisätiedot fil. käsitys jonka mukaan kaikki tapahtumat ovat edeltävien syiden seurausta t. sillä tavoin määräytyneitä, ettei voisi tapahtua mitenkään toisin
nimi determinism, determinism, determinismi
parentNonPreferred religious concepts
prefLabel determinism, determinism, determinismi
vastaa p10278, p300055959
yläluokka teoriat
ysoSource Kielitoimiston sanakirja

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