Literary works that employ symbolic, fictional figures and actions to express truths or generalizations about human conduct or experience.
allegoriska verk,
vertauskuvalliset teokset
Literary works that employ symbolic, fictional figures and actions to express truths or generalizations about human conduct or experience.
laajempi käsite
document genres for literary works
'Architectura', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ architecture; 'Architettura' (Ripa),
'Medicina', allegorical representations ~ medicine; 'Medicina' (Ripa),
'Musica', symboliset esitykset, allegoriat ja embleemit ~ musiikki; 'Musica'(Ripa),
'Perspective' (alleg.); 'Prospetiva' (Ripa),
'Pictura', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ painting; 'Pittura' (Ripa),
'Sculptura', symboliset esitykset, allegoriat ja embleemit ~ veistotaide, kuvanveisto; 'Scoltura' (Ripa),
'litterae', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ literature; 'Lettere' (Ripa),
(allegory on) papacy and apostolic succession,
Abstraktit Ideat ja Käsitteet,
Aine (allegoriset esitykset),
Apollon erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Apollo suojelijana,
Bacchuksen erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Bacchus suojelijana,
Dianan erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Diana suojelijana,
Floran erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Flora suojelijana,
Hekaten erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Hekate suojelijana,
Jupiterin erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Jupiter suojelijana,
Panin erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Pan suojelijana,
Pluton erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Pluto suojelijana,
Silenuksen erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Silenus suojelijana,
Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt ( ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä),
Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä),
Vanhan Testamentin mieshenkilöt (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä),
Venuksen erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet; Venus suojelijana,
ajan allegoriat,
all kinds of 'portrait historié': mythological portrait, allegorical portrait, 'Rollenporträt', etc.,
allegorical or symbolical representation of seasons and months,
allegorical representation of historical event,
allegorical representation of the heavens (celestial bodies),
allegorical representations ~ religion; 'Religione', 'Religione de SS. Mauritio e Lazaro', 'Religione vera christiana' (Ripa),
allegorisissa tai symbolisissa puitteissa tai ympäristössä; allegorisine tai symbolisine lisäelementeineen,
allegory of trade; 'Commertio della vita humana' (Ripa),
allegory, personification of destruction of conquered city,
allegory, personification of good government,
apotheosis of Homer: the poet, seated on a throne, is hailed by Apollo and the Muses, History, Poetry and sundry other allegorical figures,
draft (alleg.); 'Cambio', 'Wissel' (Ripa),
ei-kristilliset uskonnot,
erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet,
erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet,
erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet,
erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet,
erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa,
erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa,
female persons from the Old Testament (not in biblical context),
historical person or scene in allegorical or symbolic frame or setting; or with allegorical or symbolic accessories,
historical scene in allegorical or symbolical frame or setting; or with allegorical or symbolic accessories,
ihmisruumiin ihannesuhteiden allegorinen esitys,
kaupunkiallegoriat ja -symbolit,
klassinen mytologia ja antiikin historia,
mytologinen tai allegorinen muotokuva; allegorinen esitys tapahtumasta historiallisen henkilön elämässä,
oikeuden symbolit ja allegoriat,
rauhan symbolit ja allegoriat, 'Pax'; 'Pace' (Ripa),
sodan symbolit ja allegoriat; 'Guerra' (Ripa),
specific aspects of Prometheus; Prometheus as patron,
specific aspects of Saturn; Saturn as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Aesculapius; Aesculapius as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Amphitrite; Amphitrite as patroness,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Aurora; Aurora as patroness,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Ceres; Ceres as patroness,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Cybele; Cybele as patroness,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Galatea; Galatea as patroness,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Juno; Juno as patroness,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Mars; Mars as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Mercury; Mercury as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Minerva; Minerva as patroness,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Neptune; Neptune as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Oceanus; Oceanus as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Palaemon; Palaemon as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Priapus; Priapus as patron,
specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Proserpina; Proserpina as patroness,
steampower (alleg.),
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ applied arts,
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ art; 'Arte' (Ripa),
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ cinematography,
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ drawing,
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ education; 'Ammaestramento', Dottrina', 'Educatione', 'Istitutione' (Ripa),
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ photography,
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ science, 'Scientia'; 'Scienza', 'Studio' (Ripa),
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ the arts of the stage,
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ the graphic arts,
symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ the monumental arts,
telegraph (alleg.),
triumphs (allegorical and symbolic),
Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#allegoriat
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