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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: hallinto


Use for the activity of directing the business affairs and human and material resources of an organization, project, or enterprise, involving primarily the formulation of policy. When the application rather than the formulation of policy is the primary aspect, use "management." For directly overseeing the activities of an organization or enterprise, use "supervising."

definedConcept Y1176
id 300133011
kuvaus Use for the activity of directing the business affairs and human and material resources of an organization, project, or enterprise, involving primarily the formulation of policy. When the application rather than the formulation of policy is the primary aspect, use "management." For directly overseeing the activities of an organization or enterprise, use "supervising."
laajempi käsite organizational functions
liittyy hallinnointi, hallinta, kunnan toimialat
nimi administration, förvaltning, hallinto
on sama kuin Hallinto, p300133011
prefLabel administration, förvaltning, hallinto
related to museum administration, toiminnanohjaus
vastaa p4328
yläluokka erikoisala

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