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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: tahto


Legal instruments in which a person declares the disposition of his/her property, to take effect after his/her death, and which is revocable during the lifetime of that person.

AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 43732
definedConcept Y5129
id 300027764
koodi 43732
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Legal instruments in which a person declares the disposition of his/her property, to take effect after his/her death, and which is revocable during the lifetime of that person.
laajempi käsite legal instruments
liittyy 'thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven' ~ the Lord's prayer, Acts of the Will, Job falls upon the ground and expresses his resignation to God's will, Tahto; 'Volontà' (Ripa), halu, tahdonvapaus, vapaa tahto
nimi tahto, vilja, will, wills
on sama kuin p300027764
prefLabel tahto, vilja, will
related to codicils
vastaa keyword174340915678, p1775, tahto
yläluokka mentaaliset ilmiöt

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