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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: julkiset palvelut


Use for on-going essential services provided by government relating to the protection and maintenance of the lives and property of community members as a whole. For the actual enterprises that provide essential commodities such as water and power to the public, use "public utilities." For the government-sponsored provision of buildings and other facilities for public use and paid for by public funds, use "public works." For organized assistance provided by public or private agencies to individual community members, use "social services."

altLabel kommunal service, kommunala tjänster, kunnalliset palvelut, kunnallispalvelut, kuntapalvelut
definedConcept Y1572
id 300055235
kuvaus Use for on-going essential services provided by government relating to the protection and maintenance of the lives and property of community members as a whole. For the actual enterprises that provide essential commodities such as water and power to the public, use "public utilities." For the government-sponsored provision of buildings and other facilities for public use and paid for by public funds, use "public works." For organized assistance provided by public or private agencies to individual community members, use "social services."
laajempi käsite services
liittyy julkishyödykkeet (konkreettinen eloton objekti), palvelurakenne, peruspalvelut, sosiaalipalvelut, terveyspalvelut, yhteispalvelu, yksityiset palvelut
nimi julkiset palvelut, offentlig service, public services
prefLabel julkiset palvelut, offentlig service, public services
related to julkiset liikelaitokset, public works, sosiaalipalvelut
vastaa p1285, p300055235
yläluokka palvelut

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