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Kaunokki-tunnus 44695
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definedConcept Y6400
koodi 44695
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liittyy 'Anna selbdritt' with Anna's three daughters and their seven children, 'Mater Dolorosa', 'Pietà', 'Vesperbild', 'Marienklage' (ei muita läsnä): Maria suree Kristusta, jolla joko on tai ei ole orjantappurakruunu päässään, 'Sapientia', mother of the Seven Virtues, 'honour your father and your mother' ~ separate representation of the fifth of the ten commandments, 'motherly care', delousing, (Joachim and Anna with) the baby Mary, Acrisius puts Danae and Perseus, her child by Jupiter, in a chest and casts it into the sea, Aedon with her sister slays her son, Itys, and sets him before her husband Polytechnus to eat as punishment for his violence to Chelidon, Aedon, envious of Niobe's numerous children, tries to kill the eldest, but by mistake kills her own son Itylus, Aepytus (a third son of Cresphontes) is saved by Merope and sent out of the country, Alcmaeon kills Eriphyle, his mother, Antiochus I (Soter) and Stratonice: by taking Antiochus' pulse when Stratonice enters the room, the physician discovers that the love for his stepmother is the cause of his illness (King Seleucus subsequently hands his kingdom and his wife over to his son), Arsinoe's two sons by Lysimachus are murdered in their mother's arms, Astyanax is snatched away from Andromache, Bartholomew healing his mother's hand, Bartholomew's mother makes a pact with the devil, Callisto with her child (Arcas), beheld by the jealous Juno, Christ sought by mother and brothers (Matthew 12:46-50; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 8:19-21), Cleobis and Biton draw their mother's chariot to the temple of Juno, Constantine announces to the mothers that he will not bathe in the blood of their innocent children to cure his leprosy, Coriolanus (C. or Cn. Marcius) is met by his wife Volumnia (alternatively called Vergilia) with their two small sons, and his mother Veturia (alternatively called Volumnia); they entreat him not to fight any more, Cornelia produces her two young sons, Tiberius and Gaius S. Gracchus, to a Roman matron who had shown off her jewellery, Danae and Perseus, borne to the island of Seriphos, are found by Dictys, who was fishing there, Eve as first mother, Eve suckling Abel; Cain turns aside, i.e. the jealousy of Cain, Garuda, half man half bird, defeats the snakes by which his mother was held in slavery, Hector's farewell to his wife Andromache and his young son Astyanax, Hecuba finds her dead son Polydorus on the sea-shore, Herodias persuades Salome to ask for the head of John the Baptist, Isis, äiti-jumalatar, Jason's mother, pretending the child is still-born, smuggles him out of the city to Chiron, Julius Sabinus, a Batavian chieftain, is dragged before Vespasian; his wife Eponina tries in vain to raise the emperor's pity by showing him their twins, King Jehoram, when walking on the city wall, is met by a mother who tells him that her child has been eaten at the suggestion of another woman, and that the woman is now hiding her own child to prevent it from being eaten also, Kristus siunaa lapsia, yleensä jonkun opetuslapsen seuratessa paheksuen tapahtumaa (Matt. 19:13-15; Mark. 10:13-16; Luuk. 18:15-17), Latona entreats her children Apollo and Diana to punish Niobe, Leonidas, King of Sparta, denounces his son-in-law Cleombrotus, who is sheltering in the temple of Neptune, of usurping the kingdom; Chilonis, holding her child, begs her father for mercy, Medea kills her two children; she flees from Corinth in a chariot drawn by winged dragons, Merope tries to kill Aepytus with an axe but recognizes her son in time, Micah returns to his mother the money he had stolen from her, Moses' mother suckling her child, Mother of Mercy, 'Mater Misericordiae', 'Schutzmantelmadonna', 'Schutzmantelmaria', Nero surveying the body of his mother Agrippina, Oedipus marries Jocasta, not knowing she is his mother, Orestes kills his mother Clytaemnestra, and Aegisthus, Pelias and Neleus avenge their mother Tyro, by killing Sidero at the altar of Juno, where she had taken refuge, Phaedra's unsuccessful love-affair with her stepson Hippolytus, Pirene changed into a fountain: when pining away for the loss of her son Cenchreus, who inadvertently had been killed by Diana, Pirene is changed into a fountain on Mount Helicon, Procne kills Itys, her son by Tereus, in order to serve him up as food to her husband, Rebekah instructs Jacob and bids him to fetch two young goats, Salomon tuomio (Ensimmäinen Kuninkaiden kirja 3:16-28), Solomon and Bathsheba, St. Felicity and her seven sons are brought before the judge and condemned to death, St. John Chrysostom as a hermit doing penance in the wilderness, crawling on all fours; a naked woman with a little child present (sometimes she suckles it), St. Julian slaying his father and mother lying in bed, Telemachus returns to the palace, where he meets his mother, Tobit and Anna with their son Tobias, Tyro is cruelly treated by her stepmother Sidero, a child is killed and cut to pieces by an insane mother, before the father and St. Vincent Ferrer; Vincent raises the child from the dead, child torn away from its mother, child(ren) with one or both parents and one or more members of the preceding generation (family group), daughter suckling old mother (variation of 'Caritas romana'), death of Eudamidas: on his deathbed, having no money, he entrusts his mother and daughter to the good care of his two friends; the testament of Eudamidas, death of Hasdrubal's wife: she throws herself and her two children into the flames of the temple of Aesculapius, which she had set on fire, to show her contempt at her husband's surrender to Scipio, death of Ino: she leaps with Melicertes from a rock into the sea, to escape Athamas, death of Semiramis: she is slain by her son Ninias in front of Ninus' tomb, first visit to the synagogue by the mother after childbirth ~ Jewish ceremonies, infancy, upbringing of Ion, isät, koti-isät, man presenting his fiancée to his parents, mother and child(ren), woman and child(ren) (family group), mother of the ruler, mother-love, on his journey home from Jerusalem, the Provençal prince miraculously recovers his wife and their child on an island, pilgrims gather at the submarine chapel of St. Clement every year when the waters recede; a mother finds her child, left behind the previous year, safely asleep in the chapel, sabiinien ja roomalaisten sovinto: naiset, joista osa pitelee lapsiaan, ja joidenkin tukka on hajallaan, mahdollisesti Hersilian rohkaisemina anovat rauhaa kahden taistelevan armeijan keskellä, the Holy Family visits Elisabeth, Zacharias and the new-born John the Baptist, the body of the wife of the Provençal prince and her living child are put on the shore of a rocky island, the children Hypnos (clad in white) and Thanatos (clad in black) sleep in the arms of their mother Nox, the emperor riding out is stopped by the mother of the dead baby ~ justice of Trajan, the healing of the wrathful son: a young man who had cut off his leg in remorse after kicking his mother, had it miraculously restored by St. Antony of Padua, the martyr Sophia of Rome, and her three daughters Fides, Spes and Caritas (Faith, Hope and Charity); possible attributes: triple crown (Sophia), sword (daughters Fides, Spes, Caritas), the martyrdom of the seven Maccabean brothers and their mother under Antiochus IV Epiphanes (2 Maccabees 7), the seven sons of St. Felicity are beheaded; Felicity may be shown comforting them, or she is beheaded also, the son of the widow of Nain is carried out of the city on a bier (Luke 7:11-17), the vision of St. Dominic's mother: she dreams she gives birth to a black and white dog with a flaming torch in its mouth, the widow and martyr Felicity (Felicitas) of Rome; possible attributes: book, heads of her seven sons on plate or sword's blade, palm-branch, seven sons, the wife of the Provençal prince and her child on the island, the wife of the Provençal prince dies during a storm at sea after giving birth to a son, unmarried mother, vanhemmuus, äiti (perheen ensimmäisen asteen sukulaissuhteet), äiti ja vauva tai pieni lapsi, äitiys
nimi mödrar, äidit, äiti
prefLabel mödrar, äidit
suppeampi käsite aviottomat äidit, kotiäidit, lapsiäidit, teiniäidit, viikonloppuäidit, äitipuolet
vastaa aidit, aiti, keyword174341255281, p12279
yläluokka vanhemmat

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