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AAT-käsite: chests of drawers


Refers to case furniture characterized by having drawers, typically three to five in number. A chest of drawers is generally supported on feet, but sometimes rests directly on the floor. Use "commodes (chests of drawers)" for similar case pieces generally supported on short legs. Use "chests with drawers" for chests with one or more tiers of drawers below a deep storage space.

distinguished from virastot
id 300039009
kuvaus Refers to case furniture characterized by having drawers, typically three to five in number. A chest of drawers is generally supported on feet, but sometimes rests directly on the floor. Use "commodes (chests of drawers)" for similar case pieces generally supported on short legs. Use "chests with drawers" for chests with one or more tiers of drawers below a deep storage space.
laajempi käsite case furniture
nimi chests of drawers
related to chests with drawers

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