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AAT-käsite: miniature theaters


Three-dimensional representations of theater buildings or of theater spaces such as stages and prosceniums, scaled or unscaled, whether intended as settings for toy performances or simply as representational models. For portable performing arts structures designed for the presentation of puppet shows, see "puppet theaters." For toys consisting of printed two-dimensional representations of characters plus some or all of scenery, props, stage or proscenium, designed to be cut out and mounted on stiff backing for children's play performances, see "toy theaters."

distinguished from puppet theaters, toy theatres
id 300007122
kuvaus Three-dimensional representations of theater buildings or of theater spaces such as stages and prosceniums, scaled or unscaled, whether intended as settings for toy performances or simply as representational models. For portable performing arts structures designed for the presentation of puppet shows, see "puppet theaters." For toys consisting of printed two-dimensional representations of characters plus some or all of scenery, props, stage or proscenium, designed to be cut out and mounted on stiff backing for children's play performances, see "toy theaters."
laajempi käsite visual works by subject type
nimi miniature theaters
parentNonPreferred theaters

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