Aries (zodical sign of March),
December - March (year divided into three seasons),
December - March ~ human activities (year divided into three seasons),
December - March ~ landscapes (year divided into three seasons),
December - March ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (year divided into three seasons),
December - March ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (year divided into three seasons),
February and March (year divided into six seasons),
February and March ~ human activities (year divided into six seasons),
February and March ~ landscapes (year divided into six seasons),
February and March ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (year divided into six seasons),
February and March ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (year divided into six seasons),
January - April (year divided into three seasons),
January - April ~ human activities (year divided into three seasons),
January - April ~ landscapes (year divided into three seasons),
January - April ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (year divided into three seasons),
January - April ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (year divided into three seasons),
March and April (year divided into six seasons),
March and April ~ human activities (year divided into six seasons),
March and April ~ landscapes (year divided into six seasons),
March and April ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (year divided into six seasons),
March and April ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (year divided into six seasons),
March and its 'labours',
March represented by still life of flowers and/or fruits,
March ~ other concepts,
March; 'Marzo' (Ripa),
landscape symbolizing March