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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: liikenneyhteydet


Science and technology of the transmission and reception of information, between or among small or large groups of people, other living beings, or machines, including the study of signs and symbols in vocal, pictorial, gestural, and digital languages, of behavior and interaction through messages, and of large-scale institutions and systems. For the function of conveying awareness, knowledge, or information to others, use "communication (function)."

definedConcept Y2816
id 300054349
kuvaus Science and technology of the transmission and reception of information, between or among small or large groups of people, other living beings, or machines, including the study of signs and symbols in vocal, pictorial, gestural, and digital languages, of behavior and interaction through messages, and of large-scale institutions and systems. For the function of conveying awareness, knowledge, or information to others, use "communication (function)."
laajempi käsite social sciences
liittyy liikenneverkot, liityntäliikenne
nimi communications, liikenneyhteydet, trafikförbindelser
prefLabel communications, liikenneyhteydet, trafikförbindelser
related to communication, communication functions, communications structures, people in communications
vastaa p300054349, p7843
yläluokka ihmisen määrittämät alueet

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