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käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: elektronit


Negatively charged elementary particles that are a constituent of all atoms, occupying an atomic orbital around the nucleus. They were discovered by J. J. Thomson in 1897. New Penguin Dictionary of Science (1998)

definedConcept Y6549
id 300264243
kuvaus Negatively charged elementary particles that are a constituent of all atoms, occupying an atomic orbital around the nucleus. They were discovered by J. J. Thomson in 1897. New Penguin Dictionary of Science (1998)
laajempi käsite material components
liittyy elementary particles ~ nuclear, atomic and molecular physics
nimi electrons, elektroner, elektroni, elektronit
on sama kuin Elektroni
prefLabel electrons, elektroner, elektronit
vastaa elektroni, p300264243, p4030
yläluokka leptonit

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