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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


käsite, YSO-käsite, Avainsana: perhe


altLabel kärnfamilj, ydinperhe
definedConcept Y3958
liittyy 'Pius Aeneas': Aeneas pakenee palavasta Troijasta, taluttaen poikaansa Ascaniusta ja kantaen selässään isäänsä Anchisesta Penateksen kanssa; hänen vaimonsa Creusa, joka lähtee heidän mukanaan, katoaa matkalla, (Joachim and Anna with) the baby Mary, Ahimelech and his family called to Gibeah, Athaliah has all the members of the royal family killed, Baasha kills all the members of Jeroboam's family, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Ahijah, and leads Israel into the worship of idols, C. Furius Cressinus, accused of witchcraft before a tribunal by neighbours who were jealous of his success in cultivating his land, appeals to his wife, his daughter, his agricultural tools and his oxen, Cain and his family, Coriolanus (C. or Cn. Marcius) is met by his wife Volumnia (alternatively called Vergilia) with their two small sons, and his mother Veturia (alternatively called Volumnia); they entreat him not to fight any more, Dareioksen perhe polvistuu Aleksanteri Suuren edessä, tämä pyytää Sisigambista, Dareioksen äitiä, nousemaan ylös, David promises Saul he will spare Saul's family, David's family and men join him in the cave Adullam, Friday evening at home ~ Sabbath, Hercules kills his wife Megara and his children, Ittai, with his family and servants, joins David, Jacob sends his family and caravan across the river Jabbok, and stays behind, Jacob's wives and children are introduced to Esau, Jethro's visit to Moses: with Zipporah and her two sons he comes to the desert where Moses is encamped (Exodus 18), Julius Sabinus, a Batavian chieftain, is dragged before Vespasian; his wife Eponina tries in vain to raise the emperor's pity by showing him their twins, Moses departs for Egypt: he carries his rod and is accompanied by his wife and sons upon an ass, Nebuchadnezzar captures the city; Jehoiachin, his mother, his wives, and the royal princes are carried away as prisoners (first siege of Jerusalem, Rehoboam's family (2 Chronicles 11:18-23), Syrian messengers demand the surrender of Ahab's gold, silver, women and children; Ahab agrees, Tobit and Anna with their son Tobias, Zimri becomes king and assassinates all the members of the Baasha family, all tribes and all families gather before Samuel, apostles must desert their kin ~ the ideal apostle (Matthew 10:37; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 14:26, 18:29-30), avioliitto, avoliitto, death of Eudamidas: on his deathbed, having no money, he entrusts his mother and daughter to the good care of his two friends; the testament of Eudamidas, death of T. Jubellius Taurea: he courageously kills his wife and children, and finally himself, before the tribunal of Fulvius Flaccus, to show that he prefers to die rather than benefit from the clemency of the Senate, death of the Cimbrian women: standing at their waggons they kill their families and themselves, to escape falling into the hands of the Roman soldiers, family life on Sabbath, hallitsijaperhe, ja hoviväki, perhe, jälkeläiset, perhe, sukulaissuhteet, jälkeläiset, perhe-elämä, perheet, some Philistines and Arabs invade Judah, loot the royal palace and carry off all Jehoram's wives and sons except Ahaziah, the Holy Family visits Elisabeth, Zacharias and the new-born John the Baptist, the Roman soldier and hunter Eustace (Eustachius, Eustathius); possible attributes: banner, bull of brass, cuirass, hunting horn, lance, stag's head with crucifix, sword, two sons, wife, the Thebans escape with their wives and children during the night, the angel makes himself known; Tobias and his family lie down, the artist and his family, relatives, etc., the artist and his family, relatives, etc., the priests of Bel, with their wives and children, enter the temple through a hidden corridor and feast on the food during the night, the royal family of Libya is baptized by St. George, the sea voyage of St. Eustace and his family: since he has no money, the captain of the boat seizes his wife (Theospita or Theopista) by way of payment, yksityiset juhlat, iloinen seurue
lisätiedot perhe abstraktina ilmiönä, arvona
nimi familj, family, perhe
prefLabel familj, family, perhe
vastaa p2794, p31766, perhe, perhe
yläluokka ryhmät

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